Winter cold

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The bitter cold wind of the winter air made Victor to snuggle cozily into Kota.
Kota turned to Vic and held him close to him and both went into a deep slumber once again.

Beep.... Beep.... Beep.....

" Please turn of that stupid alarm"!!!
says Victor.

" Shit!shit! shit! Vic up man! We will be late to the interview for the interns toady! It's almost 8:30" hollers Kota.

Kota and Victor jump off the bed and rush to the bathroom to finish their morning business.

Luke and North were preparing breakfast with Marc. They see both Kota and Vic running around like  headless chicken.

"Weren't you both suppose to be at work half an hour ago"?? questions Marc.

"Yes!!" both Kota and Vic reply in unison

"Here take these sandwiches and off you take your asses to work before Mr. Blackbourne takes up a class with you guys" says Luke while handing over the packed sandwiches to them.

Kota gets into his BMW with Victor riding shotgun.

They reach the office in record time.
Once they get into the office it's almost 10 AM. They curse their luck for being late.

"Good morrrrning Mr. Lee and Mr. Morgan" says the receptionist in the must seductive voice and bits her lips.

"Goddd!! Someone fire her please" says Victor.

Kota gives a smirk and both rush towards the interview rooms.

As they are going they meet Mr. Chad the new IT Manager.

" Morning gentlemen"! says Chad

"Morning" both say in unison

" Oh! By the way the interviews are over and none are selected. They were a pathetic bunch of students wanting to be interns. So, I have rejected them. Will have the HR schedule for more candidates for the interview tomorrow".

" What?? All are a reject??" asks Kota.

Mr. Chad nods in affirmation.

" Oh! Mr. Chad had a fight with your girl is it"!! asks Victor as he sees a hand print on Chad's cheeks.

Chad widens his eyes and hurries off towards his chamber.

Kota and Victor stiffen their laugh and off they go to Mr. Blackbourne's   chamber.

Hey guys this is the first time am I writing. Please some encouraging words also plz let me know if there are any errors.Thank you!!

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