Dreamworld the weird

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A/N: I never gave this place a proper name. But had to make a chapter out of it, tho Alabama's could be it. Also, my birthday was a few days ago so yeeeeeeee~  :)

The video above contains a lot of bad words. You have been warned, tho it's pretty funny.

Third-person POV:

Another day in a weird world! Let's see what the kids are up to today eh? Nevada was walking down the hall with Nebraska. "Want some wine? I think we still have some in the kitchen." Nebraska said snapping his fingers with a sassy voice. "Ok...? The $%^&." 

+Time skip :)+

"THE TRAVIS SCOTT BURGER IS A SCAM!!!" (Google it's a real thing.)



"Are the Carolinas fighting again?" Nevada asked walking into the kitchen. "Yep..." groaned the other male. 


". . ." 


South Carolina stomped down the hall and past the two boys, slamming the door to her room. "What the #$%^....?" Nevada mumbled under his breath. They both turned to see a fuming North. He then turned and stomped away before kicking a popcorn eating California where the sun doesn't shine. "AAHH $%^#!!!" 

"Ya know what. I think I'm just gonna ask Texas for her good whiskey..."  

"Yeah, same..." 


Georgia's POV: 

"Uhhhh... You sure about this Florida?" I ask looking at the sleeping Alaska and Hawaii on the couch. "Yes now come on!" He replied wrapping his tail around my arm. I carefully follow behind, I knew Florida was crazy but never this crazy! He unwrapped his tail from my arm and reached up and grabbed a flap of Alaska's hat. Then used his tail to take Hawaii's flower crown.

"Why are we stealing from everyone again?" 

"Because I wanna record their reactions!" 

He slowly lifted the hats off of them. Everything seemed to go smoothly so far and I just watched. He then snuck back over to me and handed the stuff over. "You're insane, and if we get caught I was not a part of this." He chuckled and nodded. "Fine, fine, fine, now let's get out of here before they wake up." 

We walked out of there as soon as possible and placed the stolen goods in Florida's closet. "Now Cali's phone is next!" He chimes happily. I sigh, this will be a long day...


New Mexico's POV: 

"Colorado what are you doing?!?" Ari yelled Colorado was on the roof of the house yet again. "I'm one pun away from doing it... Ending it all..." He says. "Oi! Colorado!" Lowa says as she walks out. "Make like a frog and leap!!" We all looked at her then back at him. "Ya know what, fine." He jumps and Utah takes out his phone and starts recording. Colorado jumped off and landed face-first into the concrete. "You dumb#$%!!! We can't die yet we a piece of  land!" I yell laughing. Lowa clapped then went back inside. "Ahhhh $%^&... Someone help...." Utah and I helped him up.

We place him on the couch. "Heal me already! My #$%^ing hands are broken!" He yelled angrily. I and Utah looked at each other and gave Colorado a $%^& eating grin. "How 'bout no?" Utah coos. "You son of a-" 

"We have the same mom..."

"Oh wait-"

"Anyway-" Alaska walks by us with Florida tied to a chair as he heads upstairs. "ALASKA NOT AGAIN!!" Georgia and Mississippi yell running after him. 


Kansas's POV: 

"What's happening?" I ask Texas noticing the crowd of states near one of the bathrooms. "I think Florida is being drowned by Alaska. I'm not too sure, can't really see." I give her a look of disbelief. "YOU CAN'T SEE?!? LOOK AT ME!!" I do a little hand gesture. I'm not the tallest state but not the shortest either. Compared to her I could be considered an ant. 

She giggled and patted my head. "At least you're not Rhode?" That sounded more like a question than anything. I punched her arm. "Don't touch me, peasant!" 

"No, you." 

"No, you!" 

"No, you!"

"Shut up!!" Alabama yelled rolling up in her blanket again. "Sorry, Ala!!" 


Rhode's POV: (speaking of Rhode-)

"Guys give it back!!!" I yell trying to reach my jacket. "No, you have to get it." California coos lifting the small yellow coat higher. "Cali knock it off." Virginia said walking up behind him. "Make me shorty~" Virginia looked at me, then turned back to him. Lifted his leg and kicked him as hard as he could in his coach. My eyes widened as Cali fell dropping the coat.  "T-thank you...?"

"No problems! He bothers you again let me know." And with that, he turned and walked down the hall. I pick up my jacket and run away quickly. As Cali just sits there still groaning. 


Idaho's POV: 

"Ok, ok, ok, so how many oceans are there?" I ask Ohio. "Dude there are eight #$%^ing oceans!" I laugh a little and say "But there's 5?" 

She gets up screams. "THEN WHY THE #%^$ DID THY MAKE A MOVIE CALLED OCEANS 8?!?!" I look at her and very confused I whisper, "That has nothing to do with-" Out of nowhere Illinois kicked down her bedroom door. "WHAT'S GOING ON-ON." Pressed a button on his phone and some music started playing. 


(I'm running out of fricking ideas...)

Thirdperson pov :) : 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hawaii screamed jumping onto the counter. Hearing that all states ran into the kitchen. "HAWAII WHAT'S WRONG?!?!" Indiana screamed. "WAS IT A VOLCANO?!?!" Alaska yelled his voice laced in worry. "S-s-spider..." She points at the small bug on the floor. "Alright who's the $%^& that snapped that?!" Texas said backing up. "Sorry! Excuse me!" Ohio passes through the crowd and picks the little spider. "There you are betty!" She walks off and everyone just looks confused. "You know what must be done..." Texas looks at Alaska. 

He nods and snaps a bat into his hands, it had nails sticking out of it. He follows Ohio then a loud thud was heard. Then a shriek. Then another thud. Then silence. "Guys I'm scared..." Rhode said putting his hood on. "Me too child..." New york mutters. 

Alaska comes back with some blood on his pants looks at everyone and says, "I'm going to take a shower." Then he leaves. "Alright, who's picking up the body?" Georgia asked. "Just snap it, I'm going back to bed." Alabama said walking back up the stairs. "Alright then." Georgia snapped and Ohio was fine but in her room now. 


HI, I had to end it there because I had gotten 1111 words. 

And I just.... needed to...


Also. What do you do for fun?

Have a nice day/night. :)

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