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a while ago,
a naïve little boy asked,
'mama, are there monsters under my bed',
'no, little one'
she hummed as she comforted him,
patted his back and ruffled his hair,
she looked into his eyes,
a strange aura began filling the area,
something...was off,
her eyes flitted across his room,
it seemed as though she might've been crazy,
but his confused eyes went wide as she gripped his wrists,
squeezing his small hands tight,
tighter and tighter,
till her knuckles went white,
'mama, it-it's hurting me'
yet she didn't  listen,
she smiled,
pain filled those broken orbs,
tears glistened and began to fall,
as she seemed to struggle to breathe,
her nails pierced into his skin,
he whimpered in pain and his eyes brimmed with tears of his own,
was it pain or fear?
she laughed,
a broken, wild laugh,
and she leaned down to the little boy's ear,
and quietly whispered,
'why are you worried about monsters being under your bed,
when the real ones aren't...'

Okay side note I was daydreaming and if any of y'all have read hyuckscult 's book danger ( which if you haven't you should check out along with all her other works) the mom reminds me of what that specific seyeon would say to her child... idk I have too many plots in my head hehe

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