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Aubrey POV

I was walking down Las Vegas Boulevard. It was 1 pm and my flight was leaving soon. Last night was Sandys bachelorette party. I of course was the maid of honor.

I hated these things. I hated social gatherings, I hated people, I hated everything. Everything except kids. I loved kids. That's why I chose to be a pediatrician. It was my calling.

Sandra and I have been best friends since elementary school. We became friends because we both wanted to be doctors. She went into internal medicine and I went into pediatrics.

She was marrying a surgeon and last night we went out to celebrate. Everyone got wasted but me. I ate breakfast this morning and since everyone was passed out, I decided to go for a walk.

It was spring, so thankfully it wasn't too hot. I was looking around and I could see all the casinos. As I was looking around someone accidentally bumped into me and I fell to the ground. I was about to say watch it, when I heard gun shots. I covered my head. When I stoped hearing them I looked up and I saw the guy that bumped into me on the ground. He was shot on the chest.

"Someone call 911!" I yelled. I put pressure on his wound. I put my head against his chest. He wasn't breathing. His lung must of collapsed. Damn it. It was probably filling with blood. Just then a guy came up to me.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled at me. "Get off my brother!" He yelled. A bunch of men came running to us along with him.

"Your brother is about to die if I do that. I'm a doctor, I can help him. His lung collapsed and it's filling with blood. I need alcohol, a knife and a straw" I said. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Did your hear me? Your brother is about to die!" I yelled.

"Boss I think we should do what the lady says" a guy went up to him and said.

He still looked unsure. "Fine" he said. The men quickly got me my things. "If my brother dies, I'm pinning this on you." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him. I took the guys shirt off and put alcohol all over his chest and on the straw and knife. I made a small incision on his chest and inserted the straw. Blood immediately drained from the straw. Then I saw the guys chest move again and he let out a loud breath. He was breathing again, his pulse was returning, it was weak but he was alive. Just then I heard the ambulance.

I looked up a noticed a crowd around me. Great, I just love attention, I thought sarcastically.

A paramedic walked up to me. "Miss do you know this person?" He asked.

"No he's a male in his mid 20, from what I can tell. Gunshot wound to the chest, It caused a hemothorax to his left lung. I was able to drain it and get a pulse but it's weak." I said.

"You're a doctor aren't you?" He asked. Well duh. I thought. "You saved this mans life" he said.

"Yeah, Well say that to the guy over there who threatened me, when I was just trying to help" I said pointing to the guy. I realized he was staring at me. Was he doing it this whole time? It was super intense. 

Just then my phone rang "excuse me" I told the paramedic and I walked away into the crowd. It was Sandy, our flight was almost leaving. Oh shit I thought. I ran and caught a taxi on the street.

The hotel wasn't far, I just had a small carry on so I didn't have to check in. I just made it in time to catch my flight, and with that I was on my way back to Boston.

Alessandro POV

I was in Las Vegas. I came all the way from Italy because my stupid brother Matteo wanted to party in Vegas.

We can do this type of thin in Italy. What's so special about Las Vegas anyway? I was in the hotel and it was around 1 pm. Then I heard a knock on my door. Leonardo my right hand, walked in. "Boss it seems that Matteo left the hotel without security." He said.

"What the hell! What do you mean he left? Incompetent assholes!" I stood up and walked to the door. "Get security and let's go find him." I yelled.

We walked outside the lobby and we heard a commotion. Gunshots I heard people yell. "Damn it. Let's go!" We headed towards the direction of the gun shots. There I saw my brother lying on the ground. A women had her head on his chest. "What the hell are you doing? Get off my brother!" I yelled at her. I saw her look up at me. I was dumb struck. She was the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She had no makeup on, was wearing simple jeans and a t shirt but she looked absolutely stunning. Who was this women.

She brought me out of my haze. "Your brother is about to die if I do that. I'm a doctor I can help him. His lung collapsed and it's filling with blood. I need alcohol, a knife and a straw! Did your hear me? Your brother is about to die!" She yelled at me. She's a doctor and she's helping my brother.

Leonardo came up to me "Boss I think we should do what the lady says" he said. He's right.

"Fine" i said. My men quickly got her the things she needed. "If my brother dies, I'm pinning this on you." I told her.

I wouldn't actually do it. This women fascinated me like no other. No women has ever done that to me.

I saw her roll her eyes at me. No women has ever done that. How could this women do this and think she could get away with it?

I saw her cut into my brother, I flinched. Then I saw her put the straw in and a bunch of blood was coming out. Then I heard my brother breathe. She saved him. He was breathing. It looked like she was giving him a second look over when the paramedics finally arrived.

She talked to the paramedic and then looked at me. I was staring intensely at her. Then her phone rang and I saw her walk into the crowd.

I walked towards the paramedic. "How is he?" I asked him.

"He's stable for now. That doctor saved him you know." He looked around. "I don't know where she went but your brother is alive thanks to her" he said.

I turned towards Leonardo "find that women and get me her info" I told him.

I got into the ambulance with my brother and we rode towards the hospital.

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