Chapter 6

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Aubrey POV

I woke up the next day. I called Sandy to fill her in. "Girl I told you he liked you." She insisted.

"No, he just thinks it's more convenient." I said.

"Sure, if you say so. So what are you going to do with your free time?" She asked.

"Well I'm going to explore the city and everything around me. Might as well make use of my time here" I said.

"Definitely" we said our goodbyes and I got ready. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and I saw Matteo.

"Hey doc. You ready to go out? I've got some fun plans for us" he said smiling at me.

"You don't have to come. I can go out and explore own my own" I said. I think I would prefer it that way actually.

"No can do. My brother would kill me" he said.

A thought came to mind "why is everyone always afraid of your brother?" I asked.

He made an awkward face. "He's my older brother. Of course I'm afraid of him. Now come on. Lucca is waiting for us." He grabbed my elbow and pulled me towards the entrance. His explanation didn't explain a thing, but I decided to let it go.

We went out and explored Tuscany. It was absolutely beautiful. I took so many pictures. Matteo insisted on taking selfies with me. I was getting a little used to him.

He always made dumb jokes, I guess he could be a good friend.

"There's so much to see, but I think we should call it for a day. How about we get some drinks?" Matteo said.

"I don't drink Matteo" I said.

"Come on doc, live a little" he insisted.

"That's not something I'm fond of, you should go. I'll go home" I said.

He pushed me into the car "nope, Lucca take us to Rouge Bar please, we are having fun doc" he said.

"Matteo really I'm not into this kind of stuff." I said.

"Doc, how old are you?" He asked.

"I'm 29 why do you ask?" I said.

"You're 29 doc, not 50. You need some fun in your life!" He said.

"I don't need this type of fun." I sighed.

"It'll be fun. I promise!" He said excited.

I sighed "fine" I said. I knew I was going to regret this.

We got out of the car. The bar was packed. I was surely underdressed as always. These people always took me places and they made me feel so uncomfortable. Matteo grabbed my hand and we headed inside.

Matteo haded me a cocktail. It was actually pretty good. He handed me two more. That's when I started to feel dizzy. "Come on! Let's go to the dance floor." He said. Alcohol took all my inhibitions away. I nodded and we danced for a bit. Matteo kept introducing me as his American friend. I honestly couldn't remeber a single person's face.

Matteo and I were dancing but then he said he had to go to the restroom. I nodded and he left me. Then I felt someone grab me. "Let's dance" a man said. He gave me a drink and I took it. I was too drunk to care. I was dancing with the man then he said "let's go outside" he said.

I shook my head "I'm here with a friend" I said. I was looking around but I didn't see Matteo anywhere.

"Come on." He said pulling me. I was blacking out. I may not be coherent right now but I knew this wasn't good.

"No" I said. I was blacking out and he was pulling me towards the door.

"I suggest you let her go" I heard someone say. I blacked out after that.

Alessandro POV

I was out all day on "buissness" as I told Aubrey. I could tell that I offended her yesterday. I didn't mean to. I'm just not used to dealing with women like her.

I really liked her. I didn't know how to approach her and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be too fond of me if she knew what I did for a living. I had a lot of buissness that were legitimate but a few of them weren't.

I was getting updates all day from Lucca. Then he messaged me and said Matteo took my angel to a bar. I knew how Matteo would get. Aubrey didn't seem like the type to drink but Matteo can be convincing and I know that a lot of the places he goes to alters the drinks. I need to get to that bar and fast.

Lucca called and said he lost sight of Aubrey and Matteo. Damn it. I had a bad felling about this.

I walked into the bar. It was packed. I found Matteo. "Where the hell is Aubrey?" I asked him.

"I don't know bro. I went to the bathroom and I couldn't find her when I came back" he said.

"Help me find her." I said.

My men were also looking for her. I was walking thru the crowd when I saw a guy trying to pull her towards the exit. I could tell she was drunk but she was putting up some resistance. I pushed thru the crowd and I reached him.

"I suggest you let her go" I said. The man turned towards me. I saw Aubrey black out. I immediately grabbed her.

The guy recognized me "I'm so sorry Mr. Moretti" he said. "I had no idea..." I looked at Leonardo who was next to me. I nodded at him and two of my guys pulled him outside.

I wasn't going to kill him but my men were definitely going to give him a beating.

I carried Aubrey to my car. I instructed Lucca to take Matteo home.

The drive was pretty close. I reached the house and carried her out of my car and into her room. She was ok. She did look like she was drugged. Stupid asshole.

He better pray my angel was ok. I stared at her while she was on her bed. She so different from any women i've ever met.

I loved her shyness, her innocence, I loved how much she cared about her patients. I knew she was suffering from something, she would do her best to hide it. She wouldn't interact with people, I could tell it was hard for her.

I would do anything for her. I don't know if I could leave her tho. I really hope it doesn't ever come to that.

I slept on the couch next to her bed. I wanted to keep an eye on her and make sure she was ok.

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