Chapter 18

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Aubrey POV

I woke up the next day in Alessandro's arms. To say I was sore was an understatement. Alessandro had his way with me three more times throughout the night.

I had to use the restroom. I got up very quickly and grabbed a sheet and wrapped it around me. Then I felt a hand on mine. I turned around and Alessandro held my hand "and where do you think you're going?" He asked me.

"To the bathroom, so if you can let go of my hand I would Appreciate it" I said.

"Why do you have a sheet around you? I saw every inch of you last night." He said giving me a devilish smile.

I blushed and pulled my hand away and went into the restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess.  I needed a shower. I turned on the water. Then I heard a knock at the door. I now had a towel around me. I went to open the door. "And why are you showering without me?" Alessandro asked. He was completely naked in front of me.

"Well I usually take showers alone" I said blushing again.

"Well not anymore." He walked inside and grabbed my hand and headed to the shower. He took off my towel in one quick movement and pulled me towards the shower.

I can honestly say I never knew that I would enjoy shower sex. I've seen it in movies and thought it looked uncomfortable but my oh my Alessandro definitely knew what he was doing.

We got out of the shower and I changed into some work clothes. Alessandro had to leave his room to go change.

I decided to go check on Matteo. "Morning doc" he said smiling at me as I walked in.

"Matteo how are you feeling? I came in last night but you were asleep." I said.

"Yeah I was tired. But I feel a lot better" I gave him a complete check up. Everything looked good. His wound was healing nicely.

"Well everything looks good. You'll be good as new in a few weeks" I said. "You're officially off bed rest but you still need to be careful" I instructed.

"You got it doc." He said. We heard a knock on the door. It was Alessandro.

"Good morning" he said.

"Morning bro. The doc here was just checking up on me. She said I was finally off bed rest" he said smiling.

"Yes but I also said you need to take it easy. You still have stitches and you need to take it easy." I said.

"You heard her" Alessandro said. "Ready to go doctor?" He asked me.

"I am, I have my coat downstairs so let's go. Bye Matteo" I said leaving the room.

"Bye doc" I heard. Alessandro was right behind me. He grabbed me when I reached the bottom of the stairs and kissed me.

"Alessandro, not here. We don't want people to see" I said. He pulled me closer to him.

"And why not? You're mine now. I want the world to know" he said.

"No im not. We simply slept together. I don't recall anything else" I stated and pulled away from him.

"Hmm I guess you're right. We should go to the office. We have a lot of people to interview today." He said.

I nodded. Th clinic was almost finished. We already had all the equipment that we needed and was being installed right after the construction was finished. We estimated opening in about 3 weeks. We had most of the staff hired. We just needed a few more positions to fill and we were set on that part.

We were in Alessandro's office and we had just finished our last interview. I was tired. Who knew that conducting interviews was so exhausting.

I sat down on the couch and sighed. "Finally we finished" I said.

"You're right we are" he said and he gave me a look and started walking towards me, with a wicked gleam in his eye.

"Alessandro are you ok" I asked as he approached.

"Never been better" he said as he reached me and picked me up and put me on his desk. He started kissing me.

"Alessandro we are in your office" I said.

"I know we are. I want to make memories so I don't miss you as much when I'm not here" he said.

He started kissing my neck "we can't, what if someone comes in" I said.

"No one is coming in" he said and kissed me. I got lost in his kiss. Screw it i thought. We ended up christening his desk. My lord this man was a sex maniac. I wasn't complaining, I just didn't know if I could keep up.

Alessandro took me to dinner at a fancy restaurant. Of course I was underdressed as always.

We were actually having a nice evening. I decided to ignore the stares and just concentrate on us. "So I was thinking about what you said this morning" Alessandro said. "And you're right. All we did yesterday and today was have sex and I think we could make it official" he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I didn't understand what he was saying.

"Well I want it to be official. I want people to know you're mine. So will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. He left me dumbfounded. I looked at him. How can he just casually ask me that. "Are you going to say anything?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I'm in shock. Why would you want that. With me?" I asked.

"I already told you. It's simple. It's because I love you" he said.

I was in even more shock. I thought That was in the heat of the moment thing.

"Are you sure you want me to be your girlfriend. I'm not... you know. I'm not"

"Aubrey stop. I'm pretty sure I showed you last night just how much I love you. If I wanted to be with someone else I would but I don't want to. I want to be with you" he said looking at me.

What should I do? I needed Sandy with me. "Ok" I said without giving it a second thought.

He smiled at me" is that a yes?" He said smiling at me. I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and we exited the restaurant. He rushed me home and into his bedroom. We spent the rest of the night celebrating our relationship and I learned just how much stamina Alessandro had.

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