Ancient Egypt

451 19 25

Warlock woke up fairly early, stretching as he did such. He groaned, wanting to go back to bed, despite just waking up. No matter how he turned, he just couldn't get comfortable on the stiff hotel mattress. The previous night, he'd slept terribly, tossing and turning for what felt like the entire night.

"Hello Warlock." Aziraphale smiled at Warlock, having set the book he was previously reading down on the nightstand. He was already dressed in his usual attire, although he couldn't find his tartan bow tie anywhere- he thought bow ties were cool.

"Hello sweetie. How'd you sleep?" Crowley shot Warlock a beaming smile, before giving Aziraphale the most loving look. "I got you a crêpe angel, although I'm not sure how good it is. Figured you could try it, and if you don't like, you don't have to eat it."

"Nanny, you're a guy?" Warlock's eyes widened. He was terribly surprised, for a variety of different reasons. The main one consisted of the fact that his nanny had always been a female or at least appeared to be. The second reason was because his father- could he still call him that?- had made various comments about Ashtoreth behind closed doors.

"Ah, fu-" Crowley stopped himself, realizing that he shouldn't curse in front of Warlock. "-dge. I forgot to explain! Ugh!"

He was just so used to being whatever gender he wanted that he almost forgot that humans couldn't change quite genders how he could. Well, it wasn't that humans couldn't, it was different in about one aspects. Whenever Crowley changed to whatever gender felt better, his entire body shifted to match that form- no humans that Crowley had met were able to do that, although a few demonic miracles had helped a couple teenagers transition into the right body.

Crowley's female form was beautiful, but she wasn't exactly perfect by human standards. Her chest was rather flat, not filled out like the beautiful models on the front of countless magazines- more time was required for a filled out form, and Crowley heard things from various women that made him go, 'nope'. Crowley's female form wasn't the exact hourglass shape that was often sought out by individuals, but he loved his body no matter what form he chose- he wasn't sure why he'd want to change something he loved so dearly. Aside from lipstick and the occasional eyeliner, Crowley had never really gotten attached to makeup, but he was damn good at putting makeup on other people.

Crowley's neutral form was also fantastic. Usually, when in that form, he wore looser fitting clothes- it was strange, considering the fact that his clothes usually clung right onto his frame. It was very rare that he ever chose that he belonged in the neutral form, but it wasn't because he disliked that form. He just never really felt the urge to use his neutral form, not like he did his male and female form.

"You see Warlock, I'm not human. I'm a demon, and my real name is Anthony J Crowley. I've been around-"

"What's the 'J' stand for?" Warlock was unable to help himself from blurting out his question. Even though Warlock was what many would deem a 'normal preteen boy,' he was undeniably curious about the most random things that most preteens wouldn't care about.

Curiosity was such a beautiful thing that Crowley couldn't possibly get mad at Warlock for asking questions, not when he'd done the same thing and ended up crying in a pool of sulfur. Curiosity was amazing thing, which caused humans some much trouble and some much freedom at the same time. On one hand, the humans wondered about things they shouldn't, but they also wondered about improving each others' lives. In Crowley's eyes, curiosity was simply beautiful.

"It's just a 'J' really," answered Crowley quickly. "But anyways, I've been on Earth since the Garden of Eden. It was such a lovely place. There was a lovely woman named Eve, she let me hold her sons once they were born. Well, that was after I... uhm... tempted them into committing the sin that caused them to be banished out of the Garden. But still, little Abel was such a fragile little baby, and Cain was so adorable [1].

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