The Defeat

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"Tirek, stop your-uh, what happened?" Twilight looked at the shriveled Tirek.

"Cozy Glow stole all my magic and ran off towards Ponyville with it." Tirek explained.

"We have to stop her!" Twilight proclaimed.

"Obviously." Rainbow Dash said. Twilight teleported the group somewhere between where they just were and Ponyville because plot holes. It wasn't long before they saw Cozy Glow running in their direction. The filly came to a halt in front of them.

"Cozy Glow, this ends now! Return that stolen magic!" Twilight said.

"Or what? You don't even have magic."

"That's not true!"

"Oh don't assault my ear drums with a pathetic lesson on how friendship is magic, Princess." Twilight knew she was right. She was too powerful for them to handle. Then, out of nowhere, a strange purple portal opened. Out jumped none other than Starlight Glimmer.

"Starlight, where have you been?" Twilight asked.

"Getting my secret weapon." she replied. Out from the portal jumped a black wolf with a white patch on her chest and dark green eyes.

"Sup, fam." the wolf said.

"Aleu here is what we need to defeat Cozy Glow." Starlight explained.

"Impossible! I have almost all the magic in Equestria!" Cozy said, looking at Aleu threatenly. Aleu stared Cozy in the eyes.

"There is only one way to settle this." Aleu said. Cozy Glow nodded. Without even shifting her gaze, Aleu flicked a paw up to her side, opening a purple portal. Aleu and all the ponies (plus Spike) went through it. After all, no one wanted to miss this. They came out top of a mountain. Something was different, though. Why, they were all penguins! Aleu was a black and white penguin who wore a rainbow hoodie, glasses, sneakers, and some short, brown hair with wolf ears. Cozy Glow was a pink and white penguin with wings. Besides that, she was pretty much naked. Out of nowhere, Aleu pulled out a tube sled. Cozy lifted a hoo- I mean- flipper and a sled by a sign a few feet away flew into her grasp all Thor like. The two still had not yet broken eye contact. They both walked over to a side of the mountain. They placed their sleds down, got on top of them, and looked at Starlight expectantly.

"On your marks, get set, go!" Starlight shouted whilst lifting a flipper into the air. The penguins were off on their tube sleds. They were neck and neck until Cozy hit a log and did a Ronaldo flop onto her face. Aleu was in the lead and was doing well, but it didn't take Cozy Glow long to hit a patch of ice and shoot right up next to her. The two slid down the mountain, dodging stumps and logs. The finish line was in their sights and all the others had gotten down there somehow. Teleportation maybe? Probably teleportation. Cozy Glow leaned so that her sled bumped into Aleu's. Aleu's sled did not falter, however.

"I am the Empress of Friendship and you will bow to me!" Cozy shouted.

"As you wish your majesty!" Aleu said before using a flipper to smash snow into Cozy's face. Once again, she Ronaldo flopped and Aleu crossed the finish line first. The pon-ah-penguins cheered. Cozy Glow, however, was #TRIGGERED. She teleported them all back to the place they were before in Equestria. They were all in their normal forms again.

"That's it! It's time we end this!" Cozy said triggerdly.

"So be it," Aleu narrowed her eyes "asterisk, shoots laser beam, asterisk." she shouted. A laser beam shot out at Cozy Glow. She quickly dodged it.

"Ok, two can play at that game! Asterisk, explodes Earth, asterisk."


"What? You can't miss exploding the Earth!"

"You can if you're a stormtrooper."


"Reverse Card!" Aleu said, pulling out a giant yellow Reverse Card. Cozy Glow looked at her flank and saw that her remaining Reverse Card cutie mark was gone. She looked back at Aleu.

"Oh, fu-" She then exploded releasing tons of magical energies into the air. The magics quickly found their way to their respective owners. The mane seven (plus Spike) turned around to head home when Cozy Glow exploded again jumping all of them, but Spike.

"I knew it was possible!" he said. Aleu and Pinkie laughed, but everyone else just looked at him confused.

"Season One, they probably don't remember." Pinkie said.

"Yeah." Aleu agreed. Then the mane seven (plus Spike) and Aleu all turned towards Ponyville, leaving Cozy Glow's guts behind for whomever to stumbleupon. Little did they know, the fight was not quite over yet....

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