I like you a lot (part one)

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"T-thanks" Evans voice was soft and almost unable to be heard as he buckled his seatbelt. He was sitting shotgun in Jared's car like always. Heidi was too busy with work and Jared knew how much anxiety the bus gave Evan so he just decided it would better for both of them if he was the designated driver.

Jared nodded a bit to let Evan know he heard and began pulling out of the driveway. They never really spoke on the way to school unless they were partnered for a project. Why would they? It's not like they were actually friends. They were family friends. There's a big difference (at least in Jared's opinion)

They arrived at the bland building in almost no time at all. Evan always let the other boy get a head start so he wasn't forced to be seen with Evan beside him. Jared didn't mind either way but he acted like he did. Classes was long and boring and soon enough they were already at lunch. They sat together during lunch most days because neither of them actually had any other friends. Or at least no true friends. They chatted a bit more at lunch than they did on the ride to school but that's not saying much. Soon enough the bell rang and they were forced to suffer through the rest of the school day before finally being able to head home.

The ride home was always awkward and neither boy could explain why. It felt weird their relationship. They'd known each other for years, rarely spoke, rode to and from school together, and almost acted like they hated one another. They definitely didn't hate each other although there was the occasional bullying from Jared's end.

Evan waved at Jared upon exiting the car and briskly walked to his front door. He fidgeted with his keys for a moment before finally finding the right one and stepped inside. Ah home sweet home. To his surprise his mom was there.

"M-mom? You're home early"

Heidi nodded with a smile and hummed a bit "Yep! I wasn't able to get tomorrow or Friday off so I'm here today!" A look of confusion crossed Evans face so Heidi continued.

"Oh Evan dear please tell me you haven't forgotten..."

Panic. Pure panic. He was forgetting something. Was it his moms birthday?? A family members birthday? An anniversary of the death of a family member? A funeral????



"Your birthday!" She grinned and quickly pulled him into a hug. "Ugh you grow up so fast I just- I just wish I could be home on Friday with you. I'm sure you'll have a good time with Jared though"

"What d-do you mean?"

"Did he not tell you? You're going over to the Kleinman's on Friday after school. I'm not sure if his parents are going to be there but I know how close you and Jared are so I thought you two could spend the day and hang out y'know?"

"Oh...great. N-no seriously thanks mom. Y-you're the best" Evan put an effort into sounding as sincere as possible making Heidi's smile grow.

"I know you must be excited but before all that happens you gotta spend today with your old mom" she laughed. "Cmon I set up your favorite movie and we're gonna have a great night!"


Thursday felt like it blew past in an instant leaving Evan to face Friday. He was absolutely terrified to say the least. Jared hadn't mentioned anything so he was wondering if maybe he could get by with just walking home and not having to deal with anything to do with Jared. Honestly he'd probably be too scared to walk home. Not because he was worried of something happening but he'd be worried his mom would find out and she'd be disappointed.

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