More fun facts yay

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1. I only wear converse, converse are the only shoes I have but I have the red ones, the green ones and the pink ones.

2. My favorite Disney princess is Belle

3. I just got my first 5 seconds of summer shirt, I love and hate it I love it because it's awesome and it's a 5 seconds of summer shirt so yeah but I also hate it because I have to wear a bra or tank top thing under it and I really don't want to :(

4. I'm saving money for Wounded Warrior Project

5. I'm growing my hair for wigs for kids

6. I'm also saving money to buy the Yogscast letter hoodie

7. My favorite color is purple

8. This is my favorite number

9. I love drawing minecraft skins

10. I hate makeup

11. I love singing

12. My bae made two minecraft skins for me (my minecraft is youtubeisforme03 if you see me my bae made my skin)

13. My favorite candy is candy buttons

14. I hate chocolate

Ok hope you liked this chapter love you guys stay awesome. :) <3

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