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Having a sister who has a boyfriend is so annoying because now when he comes over that means ok Lily can't do anything yeah I know I spend most of my day in my room reading wattpad storys, talking to the bae and eating but just because my sisters boyfriend is over doesn't mean I can't do anything like now it's so hard because I want my BFF to come over so I talk to my grandma and this is how it goes down: hey grandma can _____ come over soon? Let me check my calendar ok when can _____ come over? Uh she said on the 17th. nope ______ is coming over. Ok uh she also said the 20th. Nope ______ is coming over. Ok then she said the 25th. Nope ______ is coming over. Ok uh she said on the 30th. Nope _____ is coming over. My god when is ______ not coming over!!! Yeah so that's what happens when you have a sister that has a boyfriend (someone help me!) ok love you guys stay awesome. :) <3

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