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"WHAT'S wrong? Why do you both look like you want to get into a fight?" I ask sensing the tension and wishing I could take a step back.

  "Baby what are you doing here?" Asks prince walking up to me and hugging me.

  "What do you mean by what am I doing here? Weren't you the one that was angry over the phone that I wasn't giving you my attention?" I ask him perplexed.

  "But you said you were busy!" He says smiling.

  "Well I can be busy here too." I say, then turn to Jamil and smile at him.

  "Jamil what's up?" I ask him.

  "I'm good and you?" He asks forcing on a smile.

  "I'm great." I say dropping the takeout bags on the table. "Its good you are here I brought food for three people." I inform him hoping quickly to block his exit.

  "That's good, cause I hear there's a cause for celebration." He says.

  "Really? What could that be?" I ask curious and clueless.

  "Heard our guy here just got himself admitted into a posh university." He says patting Prince on his back.

  "That's true. In our presence is our future International relations officer." I say smiling and taking a seat.

  Prince though looks lighter is still unusually quiet and is acting strange. He has guilt written all over him and seeing the stance between the both guys when I walked in,its safe to say they just had a major argument.

  "So Jamil how far with your admission issue?" I ask interested in helping out to avoid jealousy between them.

  "I got in. Paid for my apartment yesterday and all that's left is to get it furnished and resume school by next month." He says with a smile.

  "Wow! You want to stay alone?" I ask him.

  "Yes." He replies.

  "Big boy. I heard rent at Abraka is expensive." I say.

  "Yes it is but I wouldn't have to pay for transportation to and from school as the apartment is close to school." He says.

  "Have you furnished the apartment yet?" I ask him.

  "Not yet." He says.

  "There's this young girl that's part of my mentorship program. She's an interior decorator and she says she's good. If you wouldn't mind I would like her to decor your room so that I see how good she is for myself." I say to him pleading.

  "Its a self contain and its pretty small. I'm not sure there's much that can be done there." He says trying to turn me down.

  "Its better. I want to see how she would work with little space. Besides if she does yours well others might want her to do theirs. That would mean business for her." I say convincingly.

  "Are you sure that's what you want?" He asks me unsure and looking at Prince for assistance.

  "I'm sure. Since you've rented the apartment if you don't mind she would be in touch with you so you can both fix a date for the decorating. Don't worry she is friendly and easy to work with." I inform him.

  We eat in silence with Jamil curious about how his room would turn out. He takes his leave after the meal and I'm left alone with Prince and the customers he was attending to.

  I reply my mails and find one from my agent asking me to get in touch with her as soon as possible. With the different businesses I only communicate with my agent when I have a new book or when an old one breaks a record. So far I've turned down book tours and have only been to award shows.

  Instead of sending her a mail I decide to call her. When she picks my calls we exchange pleasantries and she gives me the one news I've been seeking. One of my books have been favoured to be made into a movie. A contract has been drawn and I needed my lawyers to take a look at it. I ask her to mail me the document then call my lawyer Mr Festus to take a critical look at it then mail him the document.

  If the documents are reasonable then I should have 300 million naira sitting in my bank account as soon as the deal is signed. I smile at the achievement and fist bump the air since I couldn't shout or do a celebratory dance.

  "I really want to be inside of you right now baby!" Says Prince when the store was empty.

  "Too bad its not going to be possible." I reply him with a smile.

  "We could do it in the changing rooms." He suggests kissing my neck.

  "Please get a grip on yourself. I'm not one of those small girls you bend over anywhere you like. I have self respect. Considering your love for sex I don't know how you are going to cope when I'm gone." I ask him.

  "I have self control and you know that. I could wait for you for over a year, what's a few months that I can't hold myself for?" He asks me making me smile.

  "You had better control yourself now." I reply teasing him.

  A customer walks in as I stand up and move out of his addictive reach. He sees me then smiles. I smile back and ask him what he wants.

  "Do you work here?" He asks being friendly.

  I know their type. I've seen them countless of times. Guys that think they have a chance and turn on the charm.

  "Depends on why you want to know?" I reply calmly biting my lips.

  "I want to do some serious shopping and would love your input." He says walking closer at the same time Prince stands up to mark his territory.

  "Calm down Prince, let me work my magic on this customer." I say whispering and hoping his jealousy doesn't spoil a good sale.

  Fortunately for me he sits down.

  "So what are you shopping for?" I ask him.

  "Some clothes and anything else that catches my fantasy." He replies.

  Together we pick up a some clothes, a pair of shoes and some slippers. His total ran into 120k and he paid in cash. I offer to take his purchase to his car for him and he accepts.

  "Can I have your number so that we can maybe hang out?" He asks me as I reenter the store and pass him his car keys.

  "Haba! Come on. My number is worth more than 120k. Tell you what if you can direct three of your friends our way and they spend reasonably then you get my number." I say with a wink.

  "You are trying to play smart right?" He asks smirking.

  "Nah! I don't have to try, I'm smart." I inform him confidently.

  "How do I know you wouldn't go against your promise when I send you three or more friends?" He asks serious.

  "As long as I'm here we would go on that date and you get the number. If you get the friends at once and accompany them down then the number becomes yours instantly. " I inform him.

  We negotiate some more and finally he leaves.

  "Now that's how you attend to customers!" I say taking a seat.

  "By flirting and promising them dates as well as your number?" Asks Prince sarcastically.

  "I didn't have to flirt he was obviously thinking he already has the cat bagged. All I do was ask him to recommend three friends and if I was here he gets my number."

  "And if he brings three friends?" He asks me jealously.

  "If he brings three friends then you sell for three additional people. All he has to do is drop his number and you promise I will call him when I return. Its that simple." I reply.

  "Wait is that how you go promising people shit and not delivering?" He asks angry.

  "Have I promised you anything that I haven't delivered? I ask him becoming angry too.

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