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  "YOU need to sincerely pay a visit to the government house. My dad would surely love to get to know you. He is always creating more avenues to make things better for his people and you have some pretty good ideas." Says Vince winking.

  "I don't get involved with politics. Its really not because of the rulers but also because the masses have choosen to do nothing about the pitiable condition they've found themselves. They say they are too scared to demand their rights but they are not scared to collect wrappers, few baskets of rice, few change and anything they are offered just to offer their votes to thieves and those that don't have their interest at heart." I inform him.

  "You would make a good leader. Plus with your popularity you would surely have voters without offering them anything. Plus I know that you would be a fair leader." He says.

  "I don't need to hold a office to do some good deeds. Power stains people as do wealth. Right now I have to fight with myself daily not to be filled with pride. Its a war and a battle constantly. I guess I can relate when the power and influence fuel our leaders and makes them feel invisible." I say to him.

  Its been a nice dinner so far. Apart from the fact that he tricked me into believing that it wasn't just the both of us having dinner. He's been a gentleman thus far and an incredible companion.

  "You look beautiful. I still don't know how you could have been under the radar for this long with your achievements. You can have any guy crawling over themselves just to be with you." He tells me sounding serious.

  "I don't need guys crawling. I don't need guys. I'm okay with one guy." I inform him.

  "I know you have a boyfriend and honestly I don't think he is the one for you. No doubt he is handsome but he didn't come across as someone who is able to treat you like you deserve." He says.

  "You have it all wrong Vince. Just like every other female out there all I deserve is love and loyalty. Looks and wealth should not make me special and deserve any special treatments." I inform him.

  "I know that. What I meant to imply is that with your busy schedule you need a man who would anticipate your needs before you ask for them."

  "And he doesn't look fit for the job? Don't you think you are underrating him?" I ask him curiously.

  "I'm not underrating him, I've seen his type. They think they can fit in but they can't. He would break under the pressure, ha can't handle the stress of the press. He is not equipped for that. One just doesn't pick up the mantle of success they get born with the it." He says.

  "Well I wasn't born with mine I fought and struggled for it. I came from worst than him. If I could climb this far up then so can he too." I tell him.

  "I didn't mean to offend you?" He says apologetically.

  "You didn't. I've heard worse." I tell him sincerely. "How do you keep up with the stress of being part of your state's first family?" I ask changing the subject.

  "I just do my thing and don't give a damn about them. They know I'm not important so they also don't give me much of their time. I also try to stay under the radar. So how have you escaped the media so far?" He asks me back.

  "I'm not interesting enough I guess plus I have a strong policy for suing anyone that prints a false news about me."

  "So far how many people have you sued?" He asks with a smirk.

  "I've sued two media houses and a blog. I get that the media have their freedom but when you use that freedom to try to expose my privacy by printing things like my network and my acquired property therefore exposing me to robbers and kidnappers then I sue. There was a media house I sued for 500million, the judge was dumbfounded when I refused to beat down the price. I was even ready to accept instalmental payments and all that. But God touched me and I collected 50 million. Since then its like I dont exist." I inform him.

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