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  "YOUR babe just succeeded in bewitching my brother. He asked her out for drinks and she quickly informed him that she had you. He said she flat out turned down his invite to get drinks. He's curious to know how serious you are." Says Chris returning to the room after stepping to the balcony to pick the call.

  "And? What did you tell him?" I ask curious.

  "I let him know you were going to kill him if he didn't back off. Don't worry though he got the memo she she left an impression on him. They had a business dealing together earlier today and from the looks of things it went well." He says replying a message on his phone.

  "What kind of business?" I ask.

  "He wouldn't say. He just says it was real big."

  "What does your brother do?" I ask.

  "He works for my dad. He is going to take over when my dad retires. He is a bigger workaholic than Mystique. I haven't seen him in over a year and he still couldn't make it for my matriculation." He says gloomy.

  "Sometimes you can be a drama king. Everybody but him was here to celebrate with you and that's not enough?" I ask him scoffing.

  "You haven't met him that's why you are saying it. He's the perfect male specimen. Successful, handsome and confident. The ladies are falling for him. I guess it was a bruise to his ego when she turned him down. He said out of desperation he even offered to be her fuckmate and she still declined." He says smiling.

  "I don't know why you are smiling like a lunatic. Your brother is there trying to steal my babe and you are smiling. Who goes around asking to be fuck partners?" I ask exasperated.

  "I do and obviously so does my brother." He tells me with a duh expression.

  "Yeah! You Townsend boys are crazy. Just get your sights off my girl before I have to wipe you all out." I say.

  Exams end in a blast and a few of us guys decide to go clubbing to unwind. The place is filled to capacity and its not easy getting even leg room. At the bar I order for a glass of cola with ice then start sipping on it on my way to our table.

  "Some girls are checking us out right now. Don't look but it's from the back table." Whispers Sazz making all the guys sit upright and try not to look.

  "Are they cute?" Asks Chris.

  "Who cares if they are cute! I call dibs on the dark slim one." Says Samson one of my coursemates.

  "What do you see in black girls?" Asks Chris groaning.

  "They are my type. What's your type Prince?" He asks dragging me into the conversation I wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

  "I don't have a type. If we vibe we vibe!" I reply him with a smile.

  "You are my kinda guy. I equally enjoy women in all forms, I'm not picky." Says Sazz smiling at me conspiratorially. "You guys go ahead and pick, we'll take whatever is left." He says indicating to me and him.

  "Oh no! I'm not interested." I inform him.

  "Don't let Prince fool you. He doesn't have a type because he doesn't want a type. What he failed to explain was that he has a girlfriend, a hot steaming sexy girlfriend and he doesn't need another." Announces Chris patting me on the shoulder.

  "And she is enough for you?" Asks Samson surprised.

  "She's more than enough actually." I inform them.

  "When you see them together you would know she is more than enough. They are fire together and they have crazy sex too." Says Chris running his mouth and trying to embarrass me.

  "You are a real catch bro. If you are this dedicated to her then she had better been worshipping you." Says Sazz seriously.

  "She is a whole lot better looking than him. She is a bombshell. With how perfect she is he should be the one doing the worshipping." Says Chris laughing.

  "She must be something then." Says Sazz.

  "She is more than that alright" I inform them pulling up a picture of the both of us on my birthday on my phone and passing it around.

  "Now that's what I'm talking about. Where can I find myself one hottie like her?" Asks Samson whistling.

  "She's got the sauce bro!" Says Sazz clasping me.

  "Yes. Its why I can't wait to see her tommorow. I miss her like mad right now." I inform them.

  "If she was here you would be having sex at the back like you've always done." Says Chris obviously getting tipsy since he was starting to spill secrets.

  "Didn't know you got down like that?" Says Sazz.

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