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Lucy's pov
I rang the doorbell, and waited a few moments before Charlie brown opened the door.
"hey Charlie Brown, I was wondering if-"
"oh Lucy! Yeah Linus is here, he's staying the night! By the way do you think you could take Snoopy for a walk? Franklin and I are busy playing Pong." Charlie brown answered while cutting me off. It was last November 20th of 1973, when Mrs brown gave Charlie Pong, and Astro Race for his birthday, and Charlie brown hadn't stopped playing it since.
"yeah sure, but-"
"great thanks! I'll go get him!" The door was slammed shut in my face, and was opened again with Snoopy on a leash.
"Charlie brown I was wondering if we could-"
"thanks just take him around the cul-de-sac" and the door slammed shut again.
"" I huffed in annoyance, and looked down at Snoopy. I gave a light chuckle at how when we were kids, I used to think he could almost talk.
I took the black and white beagle along the Twists and turns of the neighborhood, reminiscing on the past before I turned 17. Charlie Brown began Dating Peppermint Patty, Marcie came out as a lesbian (without much shock to us all), my passion for Schroeder was still in full swing, but my obsession for him died down. Linus and Sally had mutual admiration for eachother, yet neither had acted upon it yet. My best friend was Violet Patton, and my worst enemy was Patty Hempler.
I found myself in front of my house, swinging back around towards Charlie Browns house. I turned right where the road gently veered Right, and saw that someone was moving into the house where old Mrs. Berkeley recently moved out. My interest piqued, and decided to investigate the new neighbors. I lightly shivered as the December snow began to fall on my shoulders, and dust my black hair. It was December 3rd today, and Christmas was right around the corner. I stood before the moving van as people unloaded furniture from it. I moved to the other side of the van to see a family carrying boxes inside, while a boy, around my age, strummed his guitar on the front steps. Perhaps this would be a new start for me, a fresh start with someone new.
As I prepared to walk up to him, I stopped and paused. I felt a pang of sadness in my chest. Schroeder. It's not cheating if we were never dating, and besides even if we were, we already sort of broke up today. Yet I still felt anguish in my heart, as if I did get dumped for real. Regardless, I walked up to the boy, and quickly studied his features. He has brown swoopy hair, and green eyes. He wore a red and white letter men's jacket, which complimented his bad boy Jack features. He looked like an unobtainable treasure.
"hey, you must be new here. I'm Lucy Van Pelt, I live right around the bend with my brothers Linus and rerun."
"The names Max Salvatore. I'm moving here from California. What do you folks in Ohio do around here for fun anyways?" he said as he smirked up at me, still strumming on his guitar. I always did have a thing for musicians.
"mostly boring bonfires, and driving around town. You did come to one of the most boring states." I answered looking down at him with a smile on my face.
"but since we are a small town, you will never get bored with all the gossip and rumors constantly going around. But anyone will tell you the best hangout spot is the Cherry Bowl Diner."
"oh? What's the crowd like there?"
"oh you know the usual: teens with stoners and diet coke heads." I said with amusement streaked through my voice. We both laughed together, we had gotten off with the right foot.
"so perhaps you could show me to this Cherry Bowl Diner is, and perhaps we could grab a bite together, my treat of course."
"like a date?"
"if you will have me."
"why not." I said while softly chuckling.
"well then it's a date. When would you like to go?"
"I'm free the whole day, it's a Friday after all. Would you like to go now? That is if you are not busy."
"nah I'm not. HEY MA, I'M GOING ON A DATE, DON'T WAIT UP! So are you sure you aren't busy?"
"nope! Technically I was going to meet up with some friends at the CB...Cherry Bowl...but classic Charlie brown has probably forgotten, considering that he scheduled a sleepover today." I told him my forgotten plans, and smiled at me as he stood. I was a ripe 5 feet 4 inches but he towered over me at at least 6 feet, he was truly a perfect guy, and to put the cherry on top of the sunday: he was also into me.
"shall we?" he said while climbing on a black Harley motorcycle, patting the dead behind me.
"do you even know your way there?" I teased him as I straddled the seat.
"yup, we passed it on the way in, its about a few miles from here right? But still you might have to refresh my memory a bit." he said while smirking back at me.
"I'll keep that in mind." I said as he revved his bike.

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