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Lucy's pov
Yesterday was a bad day. That was an understatement. Yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Yesterday was shit.
Yesterday I was at Schroeder's house, as I did everyday for as long as I could remember. But instead of a dinky child's piano, I leaned against the end of a dark Grand piano. On the other end was my lifelong crush, Schroeder. He was pounding furiously at the keys to the piano, which was a sign that he was angry. After years of sitting at the end of someone's piano, you begin to read their emotions by how hard or fast they played their piano. For Schroeder, when he was happy he usually played fur elise, when angry he played Bach, and when nervous or sad he played Beethoven's 6th. But today he was playing neither, which was an especially bad sign. He was playing Mozart, really fast and hard too.
Maybe it was my fault. But I didn't think it was.
I slowly moved along the side of the piano, letting my hand run along the smooth polished black piano.
"You know Schroeder, perhaps it would be better for you to vent your issues than play them out." I remarked looking over his shoulder at the sheet music. He glared back at me but didn't stop playing, his lips still sealed shut. I raised my hands in defense, and backed away to the far end of the piano. When he hit his last key, he let the music reverberate  for a moment, and then slammed the key cover shut. I jumped slightly at the sudden outburst, and then began to stalk over to his side, preparing for the onslaught of words that would come from his mouth. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, and then he whipped around, preparing to yell at me.
"WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I DON'T LIKE YOU! WE HAVE BEEN OVER THIS A MILLION TIMES BUT YOU CAN'T SEEM TO GRASP THAT SIMPLE NOTION!!!! GOD YOU ARE SO STUPID SOMETIMES! GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL THAT I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!!" his chest heaved up and down as he screamed at me. I backed away letting my hand slip form his shoulder once again. He took a deep breath and started again.
"Pigpen and I were talking to out the other day. He told me that I shouldn't have to put up with this anymore, and I agreed. I have let you walk all over me, and I think that you shouldn't come to my house anymore." My mouth was agape, but I closed it quickly. He had never yelled at me like that before. Everytime when we were children, he would yell at me a little, and then the next day I would be right back at his piano, and everything would be okay. But this time was different, this time I shouldn't come back. This time he really snapped.
I mumbled an okay and an apology, and strolled out of his piano room and out of his house. But instead of heading to my house, I went two houses over to Charlie Brown's. Good grief.

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