Lucy has a Date?

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Charlie Brown
"thanks Lucy!" I said as I shut the door on her face. As soon as she and Snoopy were gone, I raced back to Franklin do I could beat him at Pong. Yet to my dismay, I had lost to him for the 5th time in a row.
"It's not over yet Franklin, I'll beat you in Astro Race!"
"Charlie Brown you are the absolute worst when it comes to video games" Linus said to me matterafactly. I rolled my eyes at him and heard a knock at the door, it should be Lucy with Snoopy, or it had to be more guests. I opened the door to reveal Pigpen and Schroeder, who at the moment looked very distraught.
"hey Charlie Brown." Schroeder muttered to me in a depressed tone. I said hey back to them, and escorted them to the basement where we would be sleeping. I heard footsteps descend from upstairs, and Sally, my little sister, appeared in front of me.
"hey big brother, have you seen Snoopy around by any chance? I wanna give him his dinner." she asked me while looking around the room.
"I thought he was with you? Lucy still isn't back yet? I better go look for her and Snoopy."
"I'll come with you, besides I have an apology to make anyways." Schroeder said with dismay in his eyes.
"I'll come too,the more the merrier." pigpen added.
"and me you can't forget about me!" Franklin said desperately.
"I'll go too, cause why not." Sally said as I groaned at the search party that was created. We walked around the cul de sac when I saw Lucy chatting with a new kid on the block. We all crossed the street to confront her as she got onto the back of his motorcycle.

Schroeder pov
I saw her at the new kids house. Her eyes crinkled with laughter and her smile shone through the darkness. She only laughed like that when I was around, what business did he have making her feel that way. She stared dreamily at him, and then turned to face us as we overshadowed them his motorcycle.
"hey Lucy who's this?" I asked glaring down at the boy who quickly got off the bike. And picked up an electric guitar.
"oh...hey Schroeder...this is-"
"max, max Salvatore. I'm new."
"so we've noticed." I spat out at him.
"Hey Charlie brown, I was just about to bring Snoopy back, don't worry we weren't going anywhere yet." Lucy said while she turned to max again.
"Yet? Where are you two going?"
"The CB."
"CB? Why don't the gang and I come along too so we can meet the new kid?" Charlie spoke up, and Lucy looked back at the Salvatore kid.
"So I guess we need to take a rain check on that date huh?" She said and he chuckled.
"I suppose so, how about next Wednesday?"
"Wednesday sounds great, 1:00?"
"Sounds good to me."
"So I'll ask my mom if I can borrow her Blackhawk, and I think Schroeder can drive the rest in his mustang." Charlie said while I glared at Salvatore. How was he taking her on a date?! I shouldn't be feeling this way. This was Lucy I was thinking about. I don't like Lucy, I'm only jealous because I'm supposed to be her favorite. Nope, I'm not jealous actually. In fact I'm just resentful that he took my biggest fan. It's not because it's Lucy.
I watched with disdain as Lucy clung for dear life onto Max Salvatore as they careened down the street, and out of the neighborhood. We all shuffled back to Charlie browns house, and everyone piled into the two cars. I can already picture Max being the main talking topic at Charlie browns sleepover tonight, in a way that makes me almost not want to go. I started the car and mindlessly started driving to the CB. What was so great about Max Salvatore? I bet he isn't even a good musician. He probably doesn't know how to play the classics, and probably can't keep a steady tempo like me. Still, I couldn't help but feel a growing distaste for a boy that I knew almost nothing about. Why did I feel this way? How do I make it stop?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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