Classes and Introduction

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"Hey Goth! What chu doing?! " a blondee suddenly grabbed her notebook. She jolted and tried to get it back. That blondee read what she's scribbled a while ago. "lime trees, indigo, A-M-Z...what is this, mantra for yoga?? " she jokingly read her scribbled.

"Hands off! " she grab her notebook from that annoying blondee and sit at her desk. "and It's ROTH. " she spatted out and opened her books.

"Alright class!! Sit down!!" as their professor has enter the room. The student hurried to sit at their own desk. "Has anyone complete their online quiz yesterday? " as the prof put down his bags and papers on his table.

Then he look at the whole classroom. She put up her hand. "Well, looks like only Ms. Roth has done her homework, Where are the others? " said professor with the name Ben on his nametag.

"Erm..." Charlie hummed, who sit by the window.

"I give you another 24 hours to do the online quiz. If you all failed to do so, there will be no extra mark for the final exam. And by the way, Ms.Rachel Roth has scored 100%. Good work." every one glared to her seat. Rachel rolled her eyes and scribbled back her little note book.

"Today, we have new student join our class,well...for one whole semester." said Professor Ben.

The door open slowly and came in the skip grader boy whom she encountered earlier. Everyone look at him as he walked toward professor Ben.

"So, son, would you mind to introduce yourself? " said professor Ben has he make gestured toward in front of the class.

"Very well. " he said as he settled down his bag to the floor.

"My name is Robert Spears. I came from the city nearby. You may see i'm younger than yours because i skip a couple of grades, so don't judge me. I'm not pleased. " he said as he placed his hand towards himself.

Rachel felt a bit annoyed. ' Oh, an annoying brat? Don't they think one is enough? ' as Rachel sneered at the blondee, Natalie who disturb her notebook before.

"That's all i have to say. " as Robert bought his bag to his shoulder. Scoffing sound can be heard from the jocks group at the left of the classroom while Rachel could hear whispers from the gossiper just a few row in front of her.

"Well...That's a bold statement. Why don't you sit ummm..yep next to Ms. Roth?"

Rachel glanced at her left. An empty seat. Wait, since when there's empty seat beside her?

And she thought she has the only seat at the back. Robert slowly walked to the back passing the others but has his eyes on Rachel. Rachel could felt uneasiness with his focus stares toward her. Like a murder stare, fully focus and undistracted.

He walk passed her and swooped to his desk besides hers. Putting his bag at the desk hook he slowly sat straight up with notes and pen on the table. Rachel observe him through the corner of her eyes.

Lean build for a young boy, dark brown hair comb down perhaps some of them still standing. His face keep frowning with his thick eye brows and sharp blue eyes beneath the black frame glasses.

'Like an angry child.' she thought as she read her literature book. "Okay class, today we gonna discuss about the difference of element between the western and easthern literature. " said Professor Ben as the class began.

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