From cottage to Lab partners

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‘Great, more homework. ’ Rachel scoff off as she leave the class. Thinking about going to the cafe nearby suddenly someone pat her shoulder. She was quite surprised that someone would noticed a nobody like her. As she spunned, it was that skip grader again. “Can i help you? ” as she tilt her head. “Are you by any chance going to the cafe? ” he asked as his eyes look the other way.

'He may be a brat but he do has shy personality. ’ Rachel shaked her head after she thought of that. “Yes. Do you want me to be your tour guide? ” Rachel offer herself to help the new student. “I actually I wasn- was lost so… ” he clear his throat. “ so would you? ” he asked. “would i show the way?” she asked for more confirmation. “yes, please. ” he nodded. “Come. ” as she walk to the hallway as followed by Robert.

The cafe were situated nearby the forest bay. A wooden cottage with veranda filled with tables only it’s empty because most of the student and professor went to the city through shuttle link. “I would recommend their waffles. Although it serve for breakfast section, but i personally love to eat everytime i go here. ” said Rachel as she open the menu and showed to Robert.

Robert raised his eyebrow as he acknowledged about it. Then he flipped the whole menu book until it came to a certain section. The waiter came for taking order. Before that waiter open his mouth, rachel has stated hers. “ i would like to have a cold green tea and a stake of waffles with maple syrup please. ”

“Okay! ” as the waiter jolt down on his notebook.

“So, how about you, young man?” the waiter as usual put on his bright smile. “ Deep fried tofu with thai sauce along with garlic rice and Hot green tea please. ” Robert put down the menu. “Coming right up! ” said the waiter as he jolt down the order,quickly grab the menu and fled to the kitchen. “You’re having waffles for lunch?” Robert asked as he raised his one eyebrow.

“They are my faves. It tastes like home. ” Said Rachel. “What makes you come to this boarding school, Robert Spears?” Rachel tried to dig up upon him. Robert kept his cool face as he heard the question. “My father wants me to be indipendent. Besides, i need to clear up my mind. ” he said stared back at Rachel. Rachel sensed something, like an aura of sadness from this young boy. How come it didn’t happen before? Maybe it was because of her tired mind after been hauling by repititive nightmare she had? She’s been wondering too. “How about you? ” it’s Robert turn to ask. “Um what? ” she jolted from her day dreaming. “I said, how about you? ” Robert repeat his question.

“Well…. I… ” before Rachel could continue her answer the waiter has come with their ordered food and drinks. “ Here you go! Bon appetite! ” as he settled down Robert and Rachel ’s food and drink on their table. “Mercí! ” Rachel smiled. The waiter hurried to the back of the kitchen. “You know… You still haven’t answer me.” said Robert as he continue to stare at her. “Same as you. Except, my mother’s gone, there’s no home and…. ” she paused. Robert arm-crossed as he listen attentively.

“ I HATE my dad. I’m running away from him. ” said Rachel she stared at her hands on fork and knife readily to eat waffles. “Why not you tell him that….” Robert said as he eat his meal. “ No. ” she replied as she eat her waffles. “Any suggestion about it, i won’t accept. ” she told him while eating her waffle.

Silent filled their atmostphere as they’re both eat their meal. 'This seems awkward. Never been in my life a person would asked about it. ’ her heart commented as she enjoyed her food.

“Sorry about that.” she was surprised and saw Robert has finished his meal. “I… ” Rachel wanted to speak out. “It’s was my mistake to ask that question. I promised you i won’t… ” said Robert as he being apologetic, indirectly.

“No, Robert. It’s not your fault. Perhaps… I’ll tell you in near future. ” she smiled as she put down her fork and knife on her now emptied plate.

“ If you insisted…” Robert raised his hand to call for the bill. Before Rachel wanted to pay for the meal, Robert has hand over his Master card to the waiter.

“Wait, it’s my…” Rachel tried against it. “No. It’s my treat. Maybe next time, Rachel. ” he smirked as the waiter return with bills and receipt. “Thank you. ” Rachel express her gratitude. Robert nodded and both of them exited the premise. On their way to the faculty, “So, how many grades did you skip? ” she asked.

“So, you’re like 15 right now? ”

“You could say that. ” said Robert.

Rachel astonished. To have a brilliant mind must be a burden especially for a young boy like him. Instead of enjoying with his friend same age, he choose to strive way ahead from them. No wonder he wants to be in the boarding school to clear his mind. Maybe he wants to make his own choice. Like her.

Looking at her period table, it seems she has general chemistry lab. She goes to her locker grabbing her lab manual and her lab coat and walked to Laboratory 3.

Her classmate are outside waiting to be seated as Professor said that she will enlist all of them to their assigned lab partners. She knew about it because last week Professor Patty said she would make a hands-on experiment that required a partner for teamwork. Like everyone else she waited for her name to be called out.

“Rachel Roth!”

“Here! ” she goes into the lab. “You’ll be partner with Robert Spears at bench number 6.” Professor Patty instructed her. As she went to bench number 6, Robert has begin to arrange the lab utensil before he start.

“Ah, we meet again, Rachel. ” said Robert as he wipe the tabletop with antiseptic wipes. “Aren’t you bored of seeing me again? ” as Rachel put down her manual and notes on the benchtop and wearing her lab coats.

“That is an unnecessary question.” said Robert as he handled paper result sheets that has been given by Lab assistant earlier to Rachel. “Uh, well… ” Rachel feeling flustered.

“You should worry more about your study, Rachel. Not some socialize maniac who always labelling people.” She looked at him. She’s been wondering, how did he become so mature in the age of 15? Was it was people called a prodigy? “Uh, why are you staring at me? ” Robert suddenly felt uneasy.

“Ah, nothing. Just that, the world need more people like you. ” she chuckled. “ The world would be in chaos if there’s too many people like me. One is enough… ” he muttered as he read the lab manual. Rachel heard it. Was that his insecurities?

“ We should be started.” As Robert preparing material.“ So what are we experimenting on?” as Rachel came closer to Robert as he analyse the cortext. “We are doing calcium carbonate extraction. ”

“Anything i could help? ” she looked at the manual. “N–I mean, you could prepare some hydrocloric acid for me.” said Robert as he put some marble tablet into a flask. “Very well! ” Rachel put on her gloves and grab the beaker to fetch some corrosive chemical. “Just be careful. ” a simple advice from Robert.

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