Chapter 2: And we meet again!

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"Who is he then?" I froze on my spot as soon as this question passed in my head.
If it were some other day I would laugh this thought off but today my surrounding was justifying the situation. Dark clouds,  rattling leaves and an uneasy silence acted like the nail on the coffin.

Coming back to my senses I grabbed my bag and fastened my pace towards the lift. Something was not just right about that evening. Usually, people would be all over the place at this hour but today nobody was. I stood waiting for the lift with my phone in my hand dialling to my best friend. Just then, I heard that same voice.

"Hello neighbour, we met again!" Those blue eyes, it was him.
I felt that eerie vibe again! His presence was enough to make me feel nervous. I wanted to run but instead, I collected every ounce of courage I had and replied, " yes, my bad I guess."

"I am Aron, Aron Woods, " he said with a calm tone. 

I was about to say my name, " ping" and I interfered with the sound of the lift arriving.
"Shall we?" He asked.

I was dying on the inside just by the idea of sharing the lift with him because God only knows who is he or if he is even a human. Just then my phone rang. I've never been happier with a phone call in my entire life than I am today.  Checking my screen I found it was Sarah aka my best friend.

"I have to take this", I smiled weakly and started to walk in the opposite direction. My legs felt as if they would give up the very next second but I somehow managed to reach the exit. I had an urge to turn back but was too scared to do so. But then I did and what I saw next sent chills down my spine.

It was him smiling devilishly at me and then the lift closed.

I was spooked and almost forgot that I had a call to attend.
I quickly answered it and shouted, " I AM COMING TO YOUR PLACE, JUST BE ALIVE!" With that being said I hung up.

I had goosebumps all over my body. It was mid-August and it isn't cold around at this time in Seoul but I was shivering.
I entered the lift and pressed the button for my apartment. 

I quickly grabbed a bag and started to pack necessities. While packing the only thing on my mind was if I was the only who saw him.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise that I was wearing a dress and it started to get chilly out there as the wind was fast.  I had no time to change so decided to leave anyway or else the I would just miss the bus.

As I was locking my door I felt someone's presence behind me. It was no one else but Aron.
He looked at me with a wicked smile, scanning me all and said, "Oh, so this is where the person who was going to sue my lives. I didn't catch your name last time, so let me start this again."
He said with a smile that seemed like something between " Oh, nice to see you again!" Or something like "I'll kill you right now if you know my little secret."
"So you are.."

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