Chapter 8: Ryung meets the Woods

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I rushed towards him. He was lying on the floor unconscious. Without wasting another minute I quickly dialled for the ambulance service. I tried calling him but he didn't wake up. He was cold. I went inside his room to fetch a blanket and wrapped it around him. At that very moment, he seemed fragile.

The ambulance arrived. On my way, I called Aiden, "We are taking him to the hospital."
"Text me the location. I'm on my way," he said.

Usually, with Aron and Aiden, the atmosphere around is fun, happy and cheerful but this time it was tense and that was something that kept haunting me.

We reached the hospital and Aron was taken in by the doctor. I filled in a few forms.

"How's he now? Is he okay?" I ran seeing the doctor coming out of his room.
"He's okay now. He felt unconscious as he had difficulty breathing," said the doctor.

"More like he suffocated?" I asked.
"That can be said," he smiled.
"Can I see him, if...if possible?" I asked. "You may."

I went inside his room quietly and he was sleeping of course.  I spoke out of worry and frustration,
"And this is the time you decide to collapse? Around 3 in the morning with no one at your place and I am given the responsibility to be the wonder woman of your life in my bunny sleepers." I hear a faint chuckle.

"And you're awake, aren't you?" I asked him carefully slapping his arm in annoyance.
"And are you wearing your bunny sleepers?" Aron asked me and looked down at my feet to see.

"What did you expect, that I'll be out in my Louis Vuitton walking around the hallway as if it were my ramp just because Mr Aron Woods was admitted to the hospital, huh?" To the response to my question all he did was laugh.

Just then the door opened revealing Aiden, who was catching on his breath as if he ran all the way here.
"Aron, you okay?" He asked still catching on his breath.
"I'm good," he replied.

"Thank you, Aera, I always knew you are the best," with that he hugged me.
"Why am I not surprised anymore," Aron said without giving any attention to us.

Just then I hear another voice, "Am I missing out on something?" Hearing that voice I quickly move back.
"Ryung what you doing here?" I asked him.
"Is he your boyfriend? And by the way, dummy, if you're still in your senses I am a doctor I work here."

"To answer your question and justify your doubt, he's not my boyfriend. He's Aiden and that's Aron. Aron's my classmate and Aiden is his younger brother." I sighed.

"And I am supposed to believe that?" said Ryung.
"I wish it were true," Aiden said which made all of us give him a stare.
"Well, I believe you, he can't be your boyfriend," Ryung said after hearing that statement.

"Well, how are you, young man?" Ryung asked Aron.
"I'm better," Aron said with a smile.
"And Aera, you look decent," Ryung left cracking up.

"And he was...?" Aiden asked.
"He's Ryung my elder brother."
" I don't plan to stay here forever with you two. I feel better now," Aron said getting out of the bed. Filling in all the formalities we leave.

We were on our way home. "It's morning already and I barely slept and on the top of that I have an early class," I complained.
"Why don't we skip the class today and hang out, I mean just the three of us. Also, because I am new and have no friends," Aiden said which made me look at him in pure disbelief.

"I'm only agreeing to this because I am tired and also because I'm tired," I mumbled the last part. "Didn't I said that out twice?"
"You both are high on yourself," Aron said entering the lift and we followed him.

"After you're done with your morning routine grab your stuff and come at our place. We will play video games all day long," Aron said with excitement.
"Does it involve building a pillow fort too?" I asked with excitement.
"Of course," Aiden said and we both high fived.

I stepped inside my apartment and put my phone on charge. I took a quick shower and got dressed in my loungewear. I decided to inform Sarah that I won't be coming today.

"Hello, well, I don't think I would come today," I told her.
"And why is that?" She asked.
"Because I'm tired," I replied.
"Then guess what I'll be joining you," she said with excitement in her voice.

I was about to tell her that I'll be at Aron's but she decided to hang up.

I grabbed my phone, my charger and a few of my other belongings with some snacks and left for Aron's. I reached their apartment and decided to ring the bell even though I knew the passcode because of privacy.

"Why do they never answer the door instantly?" I aggressively rang the doorbell again and Aron finally decided to open it.

"Why ring the bell when you already know the passcode?" He asked.
"Why install the bell when you don't believe in hearing it?" I snap back at him. "You're here and you're here with snacks," Aiden said grabbing the snacks from my hands.

"Hey Sarah called this morning, would you two be fine if she joins?" I asked them.
"The more the merrier," Aiden replied.

"Did you have your breakfast?" Aron asked me.
"Um, no. Are you perhaps going to make it?" I asked him.
"I'm thinking to...," he said taking out vegetables from the fridge.
"Let me do it,  I make pretty good breakfasts," I got up moving towards the kitchen.

"He's quite serious about his breakfast Aera," Aiden said out loud.
"Trust me, I make pretty good breakfast. You will be at my door always in the morning after eating it," I took the apron and asked Aron to step out of the kitchen.

After breakfast, Aiden and I started to build our pillow fort.
"By the way, you do make a pretty good omelette," Aron said using his phone. "Then, should I count you in for breakfast every morning?" I asked him passing a pillow to Aiden.
"Then count me too," Aiden said.

A few minutes later I received a call from an unknown number.
"Hello, is this Miss Aera An?" Asked a man from the other side.
"Yes, it is."
"Ma'am, I'm standing outside your apartment, there's a parcel for you," he said.
"Wait, I'll be there."

I signed for the parcel and took it in. It was a huge box.
"Who must have sent it?"

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