Hogwarts House Aesthetics

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Running out into the pouring rain, and dancing in the sunshine like no one else is there. Collecting hundreds of conkers in September and forgetting them in the most random places, so eventually there are little piles of conkers in every room. Yelling at the people who unfairly call your friend racist, and then flat out ignoring them for the rest of the week. Making snow angels and burning your fingers on matches as you light scented candles. Sassy remarks to the teachers and classmates that get on your nerves. Singing all the time everywhere until your friends don't even look up as you start humming to a Beatles song. Wearing huge T-shirts with inside jokes on it and smiling secretly to yourself when someone is confused. Late night phone calls with that one friend you can have long debates about life with, giggle over your cute dog's photographs and talk about everything and nothing with. Wearing combat boots to school and arguing with the teachers because yes they DO fit the uniform requirements as they are black leather with laces. Impatiently leaving the house forgetting half your things, and breaking down when you return from school because it's so damn hard to pretend all the time. Loving and laughing and living as hard as you can because we only have one shot in this world, and if it all ends tomorrow you can smile and say it was worth it.


Borrowing five books from the library because it is the maximum amount of books you can get and why the fuck not. Forever brushing your hair out of your face as you can't be bothered to get a hair tie. Staying up all night on the internet because you can't get your eyes away from the screen and there's just one more thing you need to do. Falling asleep on your bestie's shoulder at lunchtime and them quietly waking you up at ten minutes to the bell because you need to eat. Getting super high on sugar at the end of school and talking your friend's ears off on the bus ride home. Screaming at books when they end on a cliffhanger and sobbing when they kill your favourite character. Getting a brainwave at three am and writing it down in the dark. Chewing on all your pencils until someone tells you it's disgusting. Bluntly stating facts, then getting angry when someone misinterprets it as your opinion and says you are prejudiced. Stargazing through the skylight and texting your friends when it's a lunar eclipse. Going through hell and back for your friends because you would never dream of deserting them and hoping that they'd do the same for you.


Appreciating all the little things in life and trying to treat them all equally. Sending dozens of sunset pictures that you took to your friends and making them look out of their windows to see it too. Bringing chocolates to school on your birthday and making sure everyone has the one they like, including the teacher. Snapping at someone when they keep on irritating you, then stubbornly not apologising even though you want to because you have to prove to your friends that you can hold a grudge. Smiling when you spot wild daisies, telling the time from dandelion clocks and wishing on fallen stars and lucky pennies. Burying your head in a book that someone recommended to you and finishing it in a few days with a glowing review. Hugging your friends all the time, and being the one they turn to for comfort when things go wrong. Never-ending supplies of chewing gum and toffees, and giving them to the random first years who look lost and miserable. Sticky notes with smiley faces stuck all over your notebooks and doodles in the margins of your exercise books. Drawing quotes on your wrists and learning the periodic table because it is absolutely fascinating to you. French braiding your friend's hair as you line up for lessons, and creating codes for you and your friends to communicate in class with. Loving everything and being a cute, happy, loyal, feisty little ball of sunshine nearly all the time.


Secrets that you only share with the one friend you'd trust with your life. Spending hours on incredibly detailed drawings that help with distressing you. Printing the Moon calendar and sticking it on your wall beside the band posters that you listen to on repeat. Using your headphones so much that they never leave your bag. Sarcastic as hell to everyone, and only your friends knowing when you're serious or not. Loving the traditions you make with your friends because in your eyes they really seal the friendship. Trying to spot blue skies amongst the clouds when you feel gloomy. Rare giggly moods that make you laugh and laugh as if nothing can ever be horrible again. Colour coding notes and making sure you always have a pair of scissors and washi tape on hand because they are so useful. Biting the heads off the people who hurt your friends, or those that 'borrow' your stationary. Crying behind closed doors because you are so afraid to let anyone see past the walls you put up. Phoning your best friend when you're having a panic attack because you can't breathe and you just need someone to tell you it's ok. Savouring each compliment and smile you receive because you like them so much.

Being afraid to hold on because you know it'll hurt to let go.

-Heyyy it's Melodie, I've wanted to do this for ages but I finally had the chance to do it today!!! You're all amazing people, ilysm <333

FOR JILY!!!!!!!!

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