Hallowe'en Featuring the Marauders Era

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Hullo! Maddy here, yet again. This Marauders Thought is just composed by the Jily Squad itself, especially Melodie, Rosie, Nimmi, Abbi, and myself.

Marauders Era Hallowe'en, Years 1 - 7

Year 1:

It started with Sirius wanted to rebel against his family beliefs of pureblood supremecy. And his knowledge that Remus and Peter had quite a few pairs of Muggle clothing. The four Marauders dressed as normal Muggle 11 year olds, and Sirius felt comfortable in his own clothes for the first time.

The girls (Lily, Alice, Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary) plus Frank, decided to dress as Characters from The Tales of Beedle the Bard, which they had made tradition to read every night for Mary and Lily, the groups muggleborns. Mary was Asha, Lily was Altheda, Alice was Amata, and Frank was Sir Luckless from The Fountain of Fair Fortune. Dorcas was Babbity Rabbitty and Marlene refused to go as anything but her favourite character, Death.

Year 2:

James had the bright idea to dress as the Hogwarts founders, though this lead to a huge fight over who would be Godric Gryffindor. In the end, they gave it to Remus because when they asked Lily, she told them because he was the only one not complaining. Peter was given Salazar Slytherin, since neither James nor Sirius would dress as him. James was Helga Hufflepuff, and before you ask, yes, he wore a ballgown, and a wig. Sirius was Rowena Ravenclaw (despite being nothing like a Ravenclaw) and he went around bragging the entire day about how he looked great in a ballgown.

Since the year before the did wizarding stories, the other six dressed up as Muggle characters. Marlene was Cinderella. Mary was Mary Poppins. Frank was Peter Pan. Alice was Alice in Wonderland. Dorcas was Aurora, and Lily was Little Red Riding Hood.

Year 3:

All ten students banded together in 3rd year (despite Lily adamently saying she didn't want to work with an arrogant toe-rag) to dress as the Hogwarts Falculty. James was Dumbledore, Sirius was McGonagall, Remus was Binns, Peter was Slughorn, Frank was Filch, Alice was Madam Pince, Lily was their DADA teacher no one can remember the name of, Dorcas was Sinastra (the Astronomy Professor), Marlene was Madam Hooch, and Mary was Flitwick (she wasn't sure how that happened, but it did).

Year 4:

The full moon was the day before Hallowe'en, so instead of spending much time on costumes, the four boys just wore Quidditch Robes and represented the four Quidditch positions. (James = chaser, Sirius = Beater, Peter = keeper, and Remus = seeker).

The other six went as cowboys and cowgirls from the Wild West. Lassos, boots, fake guns, hats, and other necessities were passed around throughout the day.

Year 5:

Since the Marauders had JUST became animagi at that point, they wanted to go as their animagi. Remus protested at first, but ended up still going as a wolf. James went as a stag, Sirius as a dog, and Peter as a rat.

The girls and Frank went as animals as well, but just because it was their OWL year and all creative juices were squeezed out of their brain. Alice and Frank went as rabbits. Marlene was a black cat. Dorcas was a zebra. Mary was a giraffe. And Lily was a doe. (This was not planned with James Potter in anyway, but James almost faints when he sees her anyway)

Year 6:

The Marauders go as the Beatles after Sirius goes through a huge muggle music phase. James went as John, Remus as Paul, Sirius as Ringo, and Peter as George.

The girls go as the Marauders, and it's amusing, to everyone but the Marauders. Lily died her hair black, and put on more eyeliner than she ever had, and walked down the halls flirting with every other living person there like Sirius. Alice went as Remus, and nailed the exasperated look that was almost always on his face, and had a book tucked under her arm, and a bar of chocolate. (Remus was the only Marauder that knew they were doing this because Alice had asked him beforehand whether or not she could recreate his scars with make-up knowing he was self-conscious about then. He agreed, fyi). Marlene went as James, and somehow managed to nick a snitch, and kept messing up her hair. She also gave long monologues about her love for Lily Evans for every person who'd listen. (And those who wouldn't). Dorcas went as Peter, and managed to carry around a whole wheel of cheese all day. Mary dressed as McGonagall, and told off her four friends for every little thing. Sirius, however, took this as an insult to the highest quality, as he had been Minnie in his 3rd year, and kept complaining how much of a better Minnie he was.

Frank felt slightly out of place as he went as a gardner, so Alice made him a flower crown to go on his head.

Year 7:

As their last year at Hogwarts, all ten wanted something large. Sirius went as the Fat Lady, annoying the entire school by singing loudly and obnoxiously all day. James and Lily decided to do a couples costume, a Prince and a Princess. But this is Jily we are talking about, so James went as the Princess and Lily as the Prince. Frank and Alice also go as a couple, with Frank going as an Angel, and Alice as the Devil (which was ironic seeing as Alice was the sweetest person you'd ever meet). Marlene and Dorcas went as the Glinda the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch of the West. (They fought over who was who as both wanted to be the Wicked Witch but Marlene won in the end.) Remus was Robin Hood. Mary went as Princess Leia. And Peter went as a chef, topped with a long, curly moustache.

All 7 years of costumes.

Until the Very End

For Jily!


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