Here with you so close to me

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Gordon was laying on his couch, exhausted by the day he had... all he wanted was to be able to close his eyes and just pass out.. he really needs some sleep but something doesn't want to let him.. even if he was closing his eyes, nothing would happen, no sleep, just a lot of emotions..

So he just keep watching the ceiling, thinking about nothing while watching nothing, just suffer. He was more concentrating on his feeling than his environment.

His eyes was crying for sleep, why does he feel so sad ??? Why does he feel.. so alone and unloved... his face turned neutral to sad.

Gordon was having a big moment.. he needed some company.. he was feeling sadness but he didn't know where this emotions was coming from ! Maybe because he was so tired ? Maybe because.. he-

Knock knock knock

All Gordon feelings was interrupted by a knocking on the door ! Now surprise on his face while tears keep falling. He straightened up and froze, didn't know if he should open or play like no one was here.. after hearing another knocking on the door, he decided to get up and approach it and just stare at the wrist, unsure.. his one hand was on it, but he didn't open the door. He was waiting and thinking about his state.. he wasn't feeling good to have a guest right now.

but maybe he will change his mind when he heard the familiar voice behind.

"Hey Doc ! Are ya here ? I have some beers um,,, I was thinking we could drink some !... Are ya interested ?... Gordon ?"

Gordon raised his head when he heard Barney beautiful voice. but his mind didn't want to let Barney see him like this. Stressed by how long he let Barney outside and couldn't make a choice of what do to, he let his hand open the door ! Gordon was now forced to confront his short friend, with his sad puppy eyes.

"Ahh ! Gordon how are y-" Barney smile fall down and worry was formed on his face when he see the wet eyes and awful face his friend had.

"Gosh Gordon ! What's happening ?!"

[ please enter ] signed Gordon while moving out of the way to let him pass the corridor and that's what he did, still worried while entering Gordon living room.

He put two beers on the little table and sit on the left side of the couch, waiting for Gordon to join him.

Gordon lock the door and sadly put his butt on the couch while looking down silently.


"Gordon, I wish I had the power to read minds but if you say nothing, how can I know what's happening and how can I help y-"

Gordon interrupt him by laying his head on Barney legs.. and just turn his face to look at Barney who was confused with red cheeks.. The short man could see the beautiful green tired eyes of his friends and a tired tears falling on his beautiful freckles.. Barney smiles gently with sad eyebrows and started to caress the head of the sad man.. making him peacefully close his eyes but he know that he wouldn't be able to sleep..

"Awww, sleepy head.. ya tired, darling ?"

Gordon responded by nodding slowly, keeping his eyes close.

"So.. I guess no beer for tonight uh ?"

His tall friend on his legs smiled weakly and learn his head into Barney touch who didn't stop caressing his forehead.

"Can't sleep, uh ? Want some help ?"

Gordon opened his eyes, exhausted and looked at Barney like he was begging him to help him.. Barney smiles gently, he took Gordon head to put a kiss on it. The contact of his lips makes Gordon closes his eyes again, he was smiling, now more comfortable and calm. Barney lays back his friend head on his legs and keep caressing his head softly.

And then, Barney opened his mouth and start singing

"Quiet nights of quiet stars
Quiet chords from my guitar
Floating on the silence that surrounds us

Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams
Quiet walks by quiet streams
And a window that looks out on Corcovado
Oh, how lovely

Um cantinho, um violão
Esse amor, uma canção
Pra fazer feliz a quem 'ce ama

Muita calma pra pensar
E ter tempo pra sonhar
Da janela vê-se o Corcovado
O Redentor, que lindo!

Quero a vida sempre assim
Com você perto de mim
Até o apagar da velha chama

E eu que era triste
Descrente desse mundo
Ao encontrar você eu conheci
O que é felicidade, meu amor This is where I want to be
Here with you so close to me
Until the final flicker of life's ember

I who was lost and lonely
Believing life was only
A bitter tragic joke, have found with you
The meaning of existence, oh my love"

... Barney looked back at Gordon who was sleeping like a baby on him and was making some cute breathing sound.. mission complete ! But now, he was also tired.. he lays his head backwards and start to close his eyes.. happy by the contact of his friend who was now sleeping in peace..

"Goodnight, love.."

-Song : Corcovado ( Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars ) - Getz / Gilberto - Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto

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