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So before you start reading, I wanted to thank the people that commented that I should please update

I thought nobody read this story, and now that people comment, it just gives me energy to continue

I love this story somehow and I'm glad to see that you guys like it too



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•chapter 8•

(Y/n) pov

That's when I saw it

John's eyes

They were shining...

I stood there, paralyzed, 'John, has an ability...?'

I waited for him to attack, but instead of that, he closed his eyes and sighed. The glow in his eyes vanished

The trio of bullies approached him, John defended himself

I just couldn't believe it...

"(Y/n)! If you gonna stand there, they're gonna kill me!", John's scream woke me up

One of them was about to fight him from the back. I ran in his direction and managed to intervene right in time, but then, another one of them kicked me in the stomach and send me towards John direction, pulling him down

There we were, laying on the ground while they kicked us without hesitation

I was just to confused to fight back, so I just lied there, being hit from every side

"Hahaha! Not so tough now, are we?", A guy laughed, "look at how pitiful you are! Just stop trying to embarrass yourself and give in. There's nothing you can possibly do"

I watched the scene as John's eyes were closing slowly

'he's to weak to answer them...', I thought

"HEY CRIPPLE HE ASKED YOU A QUESTION!", One of the girls was about to punch him

That's when I reacted. I promised Sera I was going to take care of John and I'm not giving up so easily

I activated my power without hesitating even a bit. My hand moved on his own, elevating the girl out of John's way

"Wha- Ahhh!"

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