More than a Joke Sirius x reader

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The owlery is quite at night. Due to it being past curfew no one is around and all you can hear is the chirping of owls and occasional skittering of mice. Aside from the ugly smell and sounds of the owls (made eerie by the darkness) the owlery is the perfect spot for you to come and think. You know it is the last place anyone is going to think to look for you and no teachers patrol the owlery at night. You are aware that even if you and Sirius are on bad terms at the moment, he will still come and look for you when he notices you haven't come back to the common room even though it is past curfew.

You don't usually argue with Sirius but sometimes he takes things to far and sending Severus to the secret entrance at the whomping willow and telling him about the knot was crossing the line. Usually you could put Sirius's bad treatment of your friend aside because you knew Severus tormented him right back but this wasn't something you can ignore. You don't want to talk to him, let alone look at him and to top it all off he doesn't even seem to regret his actions. Your words fell on deaf ears when you screamed at him about how wrong it was during lunch-break (making sure you were in a secluded area of the grounds before doing so). James had let it go and laughed it off with Sirius comforted by the fact that no damage was done other than Remus having his secret revealed to Snape but you weren't so quick to forgive and forget. 

 You look at the moon from where you are sitting - curling up to keep yourself warm - near the window. It is no longer full but still reminds you of Sirius and what he has done. Huffing you turn away from the window not wanting to dwell on the unpleasant situation. You hear some scuffling from the entrance to the owlery but put it down to a mouse chase and ignore it. That is until you hear a voice.

 "(Y/N), there you are. Sirius was going berserk." 

 You turn your head slightly to see James yanking off the invisibility cloak and making his way over to you.

 "Let him," you reply looking out the window again nonchalantly. "Is that all you came here to say?" 

 "I came to convince you to come back." 

 "I thought being the responsible one was Remus's job." You say still not looking at James. 

 "What can I say, I'm maturing." 

 James sits down next to you and nudges you slightly with his elbow. You laugh lightly before placing your head on your best friends' shoulder. 

 "Bloody hell it is cold up here," James says placing an arm behind him to keep himself up right. You only hum in response. 

 "I don't understand how he doesn't realise that what he did was wrong," you murmur feeling your eyes sting. 

 "He just meant to scare him shitless, it was a joke. He wasn't thinking." 

 Scoffing you draw away from James, turning your back to him. "I don't care if it was just a joke, James. He needs to think before he ruddy speaks and hold himself accountable for his selfish actions. He doesn't understand, James, and that frustrates me because it is so blatantly obvious that what he did was wrong." 

 Shaking your head, you get up and peer over the balcony of the tower, looking down at the drop below. 

 "Woah there, not so close. The wood is moulded as hell." James cries out as you apply some pressure to the wood of the balcony and it groans in protest. You step away from it and turn back to James. 

 "James, what should I do? I just can't forgive him for this when he so clearly feels no remorse but I want to forgive him so badly."

 "Show him what he did is wrong then," James replies stepping closer to you. "He is pacing around the common room like a mad thing waiting for you to come back. The only reason he isn't out looking for you right now is because Remus convinced him that he is more likely to find you by waiting there in case come back."

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