Coughs and Cuddles - Sirius Black x Reader

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"I'm fine" You murmur. To further your point, you elongate the final word; dragging the 'n' out until your content that you have expressed your 'fine-ness' thoroughly.

You then proceed to direct your eyes away from the boys perched haphazardly around the boy's dorm room, that happened to be empty from everyone excluding yourself and three of the marauders. Your eyes wander the room catching on a rouge jelly bean laying on the somewhat dusty ground under James's bed. Eyes following your gaze, James repositions himself to peer under his bed and he sets his sights upon the bean. He then moves so that his front dangles precariously from his prestigious, four-poster bed and his palms press onto the floor; keeping himself from ploughing face-first into the dark oak boards. Removing one hand from the floor, James fishes under the bed blindly; eventually, gasping the bean tightly in one hand. He then manages to withdraw back onto the bed without much trouble. Triumphantly, he looks upon the bean, hazel orbs scintillating with delight. He places it inside his mouth just as you both make eye contact, and he lopsidedly grins at you, dimples appearing. This elicits a groan of disgust from your parted lips that quickly mutates into a ferocious coughing fit that makes the bed you are currently sprawled across shudder beneath you. Diverting his attention from his book, Remus who is sitting on a chair next to Sirius's bed and subsequently, you, pats your back in an attempt at helping.

"James, that was disgusting" Remus scolds, withdrawing his hand from your back as your coughing slows to a stop.

"All in good fun Reme," James says teasingly, smirking as Remus's eyes narrow in slits.

"You know full well I hate it when you call me that".

"aw, is Mooney mad" James mocks, grinning. Ignoring him, Remus's attention goes back to his book and seeing this, James, turns back to you; deciding to taunt you would serve better to his interests.

"I'm fine" he mimics, abysmally failing at gaining any likeness to your voice in his impression of you. "I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), and I'm feeling superbly, no, wait, splendiferously fine on this majestic sunny day"

Scrunching up your nose at him, you proceed to bury yourself deeper into the obis of blankets stacked upon Sirius's bed. You reply, "A. I don't sound like that and B. I am superbly, no, wait, splendiferously fine so suck my big toe" your voice coming out weaker than you had expected it to.

Letting out a hearty laugh, James continues his teasing, "So you don't mind if I open the curtains then do you?" he questions his voice amusement laced and his mouth curving into a devilish grin.

"No, go ahead" you sneer back, half-heartedly. With a flick of a wand, the curtains fly apart. Day-light graces your line of sight and a shriek of protest reverberates around the room; "augh" you cry your voice pitch slightly razed "the light, it burns".

Remus again, withdraws his eyes off the book he is reading and, lifting his wand, he mutters, inaudibly, under his breath an incantation; the curtains snap shut once more. Letting out a sigh of relief you proceed to thank Remus, before turning to face James, whom you narrow your eyes at before sinking further under the covers of Sirius's nice, warm bed. All the while Peter is chortling from his seat on his bed, all the way across the other side of the room.

You see James's mouth open, another teasing comment fully formed within his brain. Cutting him off just before he voices his taunt you say, "I'm not ill, I'm just a vampire".

Remus snorts loudly, and you flinch at the sound.

"Oh, and I suppose being a vampire makes you sensitive to loud noises as well, doesn't it?" James throws back.

"Indeed it does, now leave me alone to wallow in my self-pity".

Re-positioning himself into a more comfortable position, he replies "Why would you need to wallow in your self-pity if your not ill?"

"Whose ill?" Sirius says shutting the door to the boy's dorms behind him before advancing further into the room.

"Agh, Sirius, my man," James says, throwing his arms up enthusiastically "I didn't notice you come in"

"And here I was thinking I made a dramatic entrance" Sirius replies, pouting, "what the bloody hell is that thing in my bed?"

"thing?" You exclaim from under the covers "I can't believe you just called me a thing!" your voice laced with mock hurt.

"ah, it's the thing I call my girlfriend" Sirius chuckles.

Pulling out your arm from under the covers and attempting to swat at Sirius, "thing!" you shriek loudly, before retracting your arm and clutching your throat with your hand coughing, viciously.

"Are you okay, doll?" Sirius says moving towards his bed, passing a frowning Remus.

Situating himself on the side of his bed, he proceeds to soothingly trace shapes onto your newly exposed lower back, which had become visible due to your shirt riding up as well as the blankets shifting.

"I'm peachy," you say pouting your lower lip.

"that's not how it looks from my point of view" Sirius replies, extending his hand and placing it on your forehead "and your temperature says otherwise aswell". He winces at the heat radiating from your forehead before withdrawing his hand.

"I think she just has a cold" Remus states, looking over at Sirius, "a bad one at that, but it should pass within the next few days".

"I am fine, fine with a capital everything" you again persist but leaning over you Sirius silences you with a kiss to your lips. You make a "hmph" sound before sinking into the kiss.

"Ew, gross, get a room!" James yells from where he is sitting.

Breaking away from the kiss and sits back upright before telling you that "James is just jealous he can not get Lily to kiss him like that", he then proceeds to start tracing patterns onto your back once more. James lets out a shriek of protest but does not proceed to deny anything that was just said.

"Wait, Sirius do not do that again!" you say, earning a questioning look from Sirius as his tracing fingers slow down "no... no that isn't what I meant, I mean the kiss, it's not that I do not want you to kiss me" you begin to ramble, "it's just that I do not want you to get ill".

Sirius laughs, "I am not sacrificing all my snogging rights while I wait for you to get better, as if".

You let out a "hmph" and an "if you say so" before changing your position and turning around so your back no longer faces Sirius. He leans down and pecks your forehead ever so lightly and you feel the lingering sensation of warmth coming from the space which his lips had touched. "You missed," you say sounding dazed, "no wonder they won't let you on the Quidditch team if your aim is this bad".

Sirius's face contorts in mock hurt as he stares at you incredulously, "ouch, you wound me, doll". You laugh a bit, snuggling into his hand that has come to rest on your cheek, "this time I assure you I won't miss".

He doesn't, however, the kiss is snort lived as James lets out a scream of indignation that causes you to wince in pain and pull away. James then jumps up from his bed ranting about his hate for PDA before exiting the room.

"He has gone to find Lily" Sirius snickers, making Peter laugh.

"I'm afraid I will be going as well" Remus states, "this is not the ideal place for me to read, as I can barely concentrate". After saying that he gets up from his seat, bids you all farewell and exits through the door that was still left ajar from James dramatic exit. Peter mumbles something about going to find James before scuttling out after Remus.

"And then there were two," Sirius says "now, where were we".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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