Hogsmeade - Remus Lupin x reader

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The first snow of the year comes earlier than anticipated, and thus when the time rolls around for the winter Hogsmeade visit, the little village is already covered in snow. To accommodate for the harsh climate, all students braving the walk down there have abandoned their sleek, finely cut robes in favour of water-proofs, scarves and hats. The walk down the little track leading to the village is rather bleak and even though accompanying you are Lily and the four Marauders conversation is sparse - the silence is filled with the chattering of teeth and the rubbing of gloved hands.

You and Lily had gone over the plan for the day the night before, making sure to leave enough time for some early Christmas shopping. You'd decided to make your first stop the Three Broomsticks, and as soon as you have all pushed into the little pub, there is a palpable sense of relief to be out of the cold winter air.

"Okay, we have exactly thirty minutes to spend in here before we all go our separate ways for some Christmas shopping," says Lily as soon as you all get seated at a table towards the back of the pub.

Sirius rolls his eyes, tipping back on his chair. "You're too uptight, Evans. Live a little."

James aims a kick at Sirius from under the table that nearly sends him toppling backwards out of the creaky chair and onto the floor. "I think that is an amazing idea!" Now it is your turn to roll your eyes as you watch James dote on Lily, agreeing with her every word.

"This way we'll all have enough time to buy any presents we have left to get. It won't turn into a mad rush like it did last year," Lily says this while removing the overly big, yellow coat she had showed up to school with this year. "Unless you don't want a gift this Christmas, I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

"I've been without for most of my life so one less present this Christmas won't make much of a difference." Sirius picks at the sleeve of his ACDC t-shirt moodily.

"Sirius, mate, don't be like that." James gives Sirius a pleading look, but Sirius just shrugs and looks down.

"I'll order drinks," Remus's voice chimes from beside you. He stands up and awkwardly fumbles for your hand before intertwining your fingers. You take this as your cue to go with him, and you stand up, heading over to the bar which Madam Rosmerta is manning.

"6 butterbeer's, please," Remus says once she comes over to you both. You hoist yourself up on a stool and Remus follows your lead. "You've been quiet today."

You hum in response as you pick at the sticky layer of dried beer on the surface of the bar table.

"Are you okay?"

"Mm-fine, just cranky cause it's cold. You know how I feel about snow when it gets in my shoes."

Remus huffs out a laugh, nearly knocking over the drink of the man who is sitting near him. "I bet you're not looking forward to the walk back then."

"I'm considering not going back. I'll just hide out in the cellar until summer. I think Madam Rosmerta likes me enough to let me."

Remus raises his eyebrows slightly at this. "Wouldn't it be lonely down there with only bottles of liquor to keep you company?"

"Oh no, if anything I think I'd enjoy the time on my own. Being friends with you lot takes a lot out of me, I could use the time to recuperate."

"I hope that statement was only about James and Sirius," Remus replies, un-linking your hands. Instead, he opts to place his hand over yours as you rest it on the top of the bar.

"Oh no, it applies to you too. Sometimes you get in the foulest moods, do I need to elaborate?"

Remus grimaces knowingly, "enough said."

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