Orcs, a Bowman, and a reunion.

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I am so sorry this so short but I pulled my six days so now I can write and update faster... Feedback would be lovely! Thanks :)


As she walked she felt a weight on her back, suddenly realizing that the elves had not taken her twin swords. Luck was on her side for moments after pulling the blades from there sheaths a small group of about six Orcs came rushing at her out of the trees. The largest one charges her grabbing her by the throat and slamming her into a tree. Her head hits with a solid thump causing a cut running from just above her right eye all the way to in front of her ear. With blood pouring into one of her emerald eyes she allows her muscle memory to take over as she stabs the Orc holding her. He dies almost instantly and drops the female warrior to the ground gasping for breath as the others move in weapons raised. Adrianna stays down on one knee waiting for the next Orc to get within range before she brings her right sword up, swinging it upwards across the beasts chest. She continues the motion, spinning and bringing the other sword up in the same fashion this time slicing up through its throat killing it. The next two were killed swiftly as well when she shoved one sword through each one of her foes black hearts. Two Orcs were left standing and they try to gang up on the small woman in hopes of catching her off guard. However, Adrianna was smarter and faster, she charged at them but at the last second dropped to her knees sliding between them slashing at there legs. The two finale Orcs drop to the ground with angered yells. Adrianna quickly silences them by removing there heads.

          Further down the river the rest of the company had paddled their way to shore and were discussing what to do next. "On your feet." Thorin says standing next to Dwalin looking out at the lake they now had to cross. "Kili's wounded. His leg needs binding." Fili calls to his uncle as Oin makes his way over to the two prince's. Thorin turns looking at his two nephews, "There's an Orc pack on our tail; we keep moving." "To where?" Balin asks. "A lake lies between us and that mountain. We have no way to cross it." Bilbo makes a suggestion to go around which Dwalin shoots down, "The orcs will run us down, as sure as daylight. We have no weapons to defend ourselves." Thorin then looks to Oin and Fili, "Bind his leg quickly. You have two minutes." It was Ori who spoke up reminding them of there missing woman, "What about Adrianna? She's not made it here yet." The dwarves then begin to murmur about if they should wait or not. "We can not leave her behind." Kili calls with agreement from Bofur and Nori. "Even IF she made it to shore the orcs would have surely caught up to her by now. We do not know her fate and can not waist time waiting for someone who may never come." Thorin says though not as coldly as anyone would have thought. He had actually come to like the young woman after what she told Thranduil. Kili felt as if someone plunged a dagger into his heart at the thought of her not making it. He couldn't and wouldn't believe it.

           "She may not be lost just yet." Dwalin says in a low tone so only Thorin could hear. "Then she will catch up." Dwalin nods in agreement.

          Suddenly they all realize that an arrow is pointed at Ori who is dumping water out of his boot. Dwalin quickly jumps in between holding a branch. The man releases an arrow into it's center before knocking the rock from Kili's raised hand with another. "Do it again, and you're dead." The man calls out to them.

          Before anyone can speak they hear footsteps fast approaching and the man turns his bow towards the figure that bursts through the tree line. The group of dwarves gasp audibly when they see Adrianna standing there panting, bleeding from her forehead, and covered in black orcs blood. She looks up as her breathing begins to even out to see the man standing there with his weapon up. Suddenly realization crosses the man's face, "Adrianna?" He questions tilting his head to the side. "Bard? Oh, wow! It's been a long time, I'm surprised you remember me." She answers walking down to the water to clean off. Kili pushes himself up, ignoring the pain in his leg, and makes his way to the water's edge while Balin begins talking to Bard. "Adria, what happened? Are you okay?" He questioned her trying to look at her cut. She turns away from him and answers shortly, "I'm fine." Kili looks at her confused, "You're injured, let me look at it." Adrianna stands up and replies, "We don't have time, we must hurry to get to the mountain." Kili opens his mouth to speak but she is already walking away and he looks to his brother hoping for an answer to her sudden demeanor. Fili walks over to his brother waiting for the inevitable question, "Did I do something wrong?" Fili just sighs and looks at his little brother, "I'd say your late night conversations didn't sit well with her." He then walks off to stand by the woman they were speaking of.

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