Laketown and the welcoming of Dwarves.

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Okay here you go everyone! I hope this chapter makes up for the slow updates and the short chapter, let me know what you think!


 "You are putting on a show," Fili says not looking at Adrianna as they begin to board the boat to lake town. Adrianna doesn't look at him either as she responds, "What does it matter anyway, he has his elf." Fili sighs and sits down beside her, "He cares for you I'm sure it was nothing of meaning to him, muinthen nin." Adrianna finally looks at him and asks, "I know a good bit of dwarfish but I don't recognize that phrase what does it mean?"  They are both startled when Dwalin answers quietly, "It means sister. He thinks of you as one." Shock and gratefulness appear on the woman's face at this revelation. Fili nods with a smile as the barge lurches and the dwarves accuse Bard of trying to drown them. "He would not do it here Master Thorin, we would be found to easily," she says with a light laugh. Kili makes his way over to Adrianna, pain searing through his leg with every step, and sits down beside her. "Please talk to me, Adria, if I have offended you I apologize I didn't mean to." He says earnestly reaching for her hand. Adrianna's face remains hard as stone, "You have done me no offence, I simply am focusing on the task at hand now that the mountain is so close." She replies quietly so as not to catch the attention of the dwarves counting coins. She does however start to pull her hand back at the contact. Kili however grips it tighter making her look at him. "I did not think speaking with that elf would upset you so, but I know the feeling, and it's not very comforting to think we might die with you mad at me." There conversation is cut off by the Lonely Mountain coming into view, "Bless my beard. Take it. Take all of it." Gloin says handing over a sack of coins to Balin. Bard approaches the dwarves, "The money, quick, give it to me." Thorin looks at him sternly, "We'll pay you when we get our provisions, but not before." Bard looks at them in exasperation. "If you value your freedom, you'll do as I say. There are guards ahead." They give him the money and then climb back into the barrels.

          Adrianna is quite uncomfortable with the smell of dead fish around her but remains quiet unlike some of the others. "Halt! Goods inspection. Papers, please. Oh, it's you, Bard." The gatekeeper says stepping up to Bard to mark his papers. "Anything to declare?" the older man asks. Bard replies, "Nothing, but that I am cold and tired, and ready for home." "You and me both." They share a smile as old man hands bard his papers back, "Here we are. All in order." Suddenly a voice calls out, "Not so fast." The company waits with nervousness as the nasty voice badgers Bard about the fish being illegal. Then panic strikes as the man calls for the barrels to be dumped over the side. Adrianna feels her barrel hit the floor of the barge and she squeezes her self to be as small as possible, hoping they won't find her. "Folk in this town are struggling. Times are hard, and food is scarce." Bard says quickly trying to keep from being found out. "That's not my problem." Alfrid replies with a smirk. It is quickly wiped away with Bard's next statement, "And when the people hear the Master is dumping fish back in the lake, when the rioting starts, will it be your problem then?" After a moment the man shouts for the guards to stop just in time to keep Adrianna covered as they pick the barrel up and set it upright. As the gate is raised and they begin moving forward Adrianna has to stifle a laugh as she hears Alfrid say, "The Master has his eye on you; you'd do well to remember. We know where you live." To which Bard answers, "It's a small town, Alfrid; everyone knows where everyone lives."

          As the company walked towards Bard's home they are met by his son, Bain, who tells them the house is being watched. Bard quickly comes up with a plan that no one seems to keen on, for it involved getting into the icy water and coming up through the toilet. Begrudgingly they lowered themselves into the water and swam up under the house. One by one they exited the bathroom to see two young girls staring at them strangely. The oldest daughter, Sigrid, began handing out blankets while the younger one, Tilda, stared at them in wonder. She walked up to Adrianna who was sitting between Fili and Kili shivering and said, "I think you're the prettiest dwarf I've ever seen." Adrianna smiled at the small child, "Thank you. I think you're the prettiest little girl I've ever seen Tilda." "I think you are both right," Kili added in, causing the small girl to blush and walk off to stand with her sister while Adrianna rolled her eyes. Her stony mask broke for a moment when Kili suddenly grimaced and grab his leg. "You are hurt Kili." Kili smiles glad to hear her speak to him kindly for the first time since the Woodland Realm. "It's nothing, I'm fine, really." Adrianna however was skeptical about his answer.

          All seems to be going well until Bard shows them the only things that can be offered as weapons. The company begins to grumble and talk about leaving, Bard saying they must wait for dark causes them to settle in finding places to sit and wait. Kili who had collapsed on a couch brightens as he sees Adrianna walking towards him, but it quickly disappears as she passes him approaching Dwalin. Dwalin had taught Fili and Kili all they knew about battles and combat so it was strange for Kili to feel jealousy as the young woman sat beside the old warrior and talk quietly.

          "What are we going to do Dwalin I know there must be a plan to get better weapons." Adrianna says sitting on the arm of the chair the dwarf was occupying. "Aye lass, we will go to the armory once we leave tonight." he replies smiling at her. They had become quite close over this journey and Dwalin looked at her like a daughter, very protective of her, so he couldn't help but ask his next question, "So what has happened between you and Master Kili? You seemed extremely close until our escape of the elves." Adrianna scoffed, "I thought there was something there at Beorn's but he apparently prefers that red headed elf's company to mine." Dwalin can see the heartbreak behind her strong façade and continues. "He does care for you I can see it in his eyes. He is glaring daggers at me as we speak." Adrianna turns her head and looks over to the dwarf prince who blushes at being found out and looks to the floor.

          Once darkness falls the company take their leave and head for the armory. Half of the dwarves pile on each other making a pyramid for the others to climb. Nori is the first to run up and leap through the window, followed by Bilbo. "You should stay out here. It will be safer, if something happens you can escape." Kili says softly looking at Adrianna as she prepares to run up the stack of dwarves. She grins slyly, "Safe is not my style Kili," then she sprints up the dwarves back and does a flip into the open window. Now with everyone inside they begin collecting weapons, Thorin piling swords up in Kili's arms. "You all right?" He asks his nephew concerned. " I can manage. Let's just get out of here." As Kili turns to start down the stairs his injured leg gives out and he falls down the stairs. Quickly the dwarves both inside and out are captured and marched up to the front of a large manor. After the accusation that they were enemies of the state, or mercenaries, Dwalin and Adrianna step forward in outrage. "Hold your tongue. You do not know to whom you speak!" Dwalin shouted Adrianna continued his outburst by exclaiming, "This is no common criminal; this is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!"

          Thorin steps forward now and speaks more so to the people than the Master. "We are the dwarves of Erebor." He announces. A murmur of whispers erupts among the crowd but Thorin continues to speak. "We have come to reclaim our homeland. I remember this town in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor, filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake. This was the center of all trade in the North." Thorin says with earnest glances at the people before adding, "I would see those days return. I would relight the great forges of the dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the halls of Erebor!" The crowd erupts in cheers for Thorin's speech but are all but silenced when a voice calls out, "Death! That is what you will bring upon us. Dragon-fire and ruin. If you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all." Bard pushes his way through the crowd to stand in front of the company. Thorin thinking on his feet shouted out, "You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you this; If we succeed, all will share in the wealth of the mountain. You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!" This won the crowd back to his favor. Bard then reminds the town of the day the dragon came and what happened to the great city of Dale, but the Master was quick to step in, "Now, now, we must not, any of us, be too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget that it was Girion, Lord of Dale, your ancestor, who failed to kill the beast!" He says pointing a finger at Bard.

          After another few tense and cross words from Bard, Thorin turns back to the Master and says, "I speak to the Master of the men of the Lake. Will you see the prophecy fulfilled? Will you share in the great wealth of our people?" "What say you?"

          The Master then spoke loudly for all to hear, "I say unto you… welcome! Welcome and thrice welcome, King Under the Mountain." As the crowd cheers the company sees Bard storm off in a huff of anger.

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