c h a p t e r XXXV

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MADDOX HAD BEEN PEACEFULLY sleeping for the past five hours when knocks on his door came to his ears. Him and Sapphire had came back to Vela at around 5 in the morning and had fell in deep slumber the moment their heads had touched their pillows.

"Sapphire I swear to God if this is you again," he groaned, leaving his bed reluctantly and opening the door.

To his surprise it was not Sapphire on the other side, but Ricardo.

"Knight, it's community service time," Ricardo said, clearly enjoying himself, "or school service time I guess, anyways, wake up that girlfriend of yours and come meet me downstairs in the cafeteria."

Maddox scowled, "What?! Why?"

"The students from Hayward are coming the day after tomorrow so adjustments need to be made in the classrooms and cafeteria for them," Ricardo explained, "Chairs, tables, all that kind of stuff, now come on, the others are already eating breakfast."

Just as he was turning away Maddox spoke, "Do I really need to wake Sapphire up? She hasn't been getting a lot of sleep lately and she's scary when she's tired."

Ricardo chuckled, "Yes, you really need to wake her up."

And he turned on his heels and headed to the elevator.

Maddox exhaled loudly in annoyance before going back in his dorm to get ready. He put on some sweatpants and a black crew neck, and grabbed his phone before leaving.

He reached Sapphire's door and started knocking on her door.

"WHAT?!" He heard her yell.

He smiled and continued knocking until she opened the door, her blonde hair was all over her face, loose strands falling from her bun and not in a very cute way. Her eyes softened slightly when she saw him.

"Dear Maddox, how may I be of help today," she said sarcastically.

He smirked, " I didn't know you to be sarcastic, overdramatic yes, but sarcasm that's new."

"Well you know what they say, sarcasm is the ultimate defence against idiots," she replied.

He smiled, "So, do you use it on yourself often?"

She hit him in the arm, a smile playing on her lips, "What do you want Maddox I'm tired."

"Ricardo's gathered all the students in the school and he's using us to prepare the school for the arrival of the Hayward students. The rest is downstairs and he asked me to wake you up," Maddox answered.

She yawned and rubbed her eye before speaking, "Fine."

And she shut the door.

He waited for her by the elevator, leaning on the wall as he checked the messages Enzo had sent him.


'I don't know,' he replied, 'ask Sapphire.'


Maddox rolled his eyes, 'I'll ask her for you, happy?'


Sapphire arrived at that moment, wearing an oversized white hoodie and some black sweatpants. Her hair was neatly placed in a bun on the to of her head and dark circles resided under her eyes. She pressed the button leisurely before yawning again. The elevator doors opened a second later and they got in.

Not wasting anytime, Maddox went straight ahead with his question.

"Is Aviva a flower type of girl?"

Sapphire frowned, "Why would Enzo buy her flowers?"

"I didn't mention Enzo," Maddox said tilting his head, "Maybe I want to buy her flowers."

She smiled, amused by that, "Do you now?"

"I could," he continued, a smirk on his lips.

"Well then, Maddox, to answer your question, I don't know if she's a flower kind of girl, but the orange unique rose is her favorite flower," she answered, and just as she was about to get off the elevator, he grabbed her wrist.

"What about you?" Maddox asked.

"What about me?" She asked.

He felt mesmerized as his gaze dove in the blue abyss of her eyes, "Are you a flower kind of girl?"

Sapphire smiled, "Always been more of a butterfly kind of girl."

He nodded slightly, all playful glints vanished and replaced by a serious expression, as if actually taking in the information.

"WHAT ARE YOU LADIES WAITING FOR?! SOME OF US ARE ACTUALLY WAITING!!!" Hunter shouted at them from the hallway.

Maddox let go of her wrist and through a glare in Hunter's direction who was smirking at them.

They reached the cafeteria and went to grab some food before sitting with Lachlan, Ayla and Hunter. The other Level Fives, the ones from sections One and Two were too reunited at a table near them, none of them daring to glance at their seniors.

"Great now that the sleeping beauties have joined us, I can finally give the directions," Ricardo said giving Maddox and Sapphire a pointed look.

"You tried to wake us up on a Saturday Ricky," Sapphire said taking a bite of her toast, "Don't expect miracles."

"I'm going to ignore that, so near Mr. Olsen's office, on the left there is a huge storing room where all the excess chairs and tables are, you people are going to start by adding twelve chairs in each of the classrooms-"

"EACH OF THEM?!" Hunter exclaimed. "THERE'S LIKE HUNDREDS!"

"That's a bit of an over exaggeration, don't you think?" Ricardo said.

"And here I was thinking our friendship would last a lifetime," Sapphire then said, "But with the monstrosities you're about to make us do, I believe we can not go on like that my dear Ricky."

"First of all, those are not my orders, but the Mr. Olsen's okay?" Ricardo clarified, "And you people are acting like I just asked for the moon."

"You might as well have," Lachlan muttered.

Ricardo ignored him, "It's just moving a few chairs and tables, you get to put the muscles you gained from running away from the police to good use right?"

When no one answered he spoke again, "You don't have a choice anyways, so chop chop with your breakfast so we can move some furniture."

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