Chapter 2 - You Can Call Me Hotch

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"Double-shot, oat milk, Lavender latte for River!"
Smoothing down the wrinkles in her blouse, River stands to get her coffee while thinking about how disappointed her mother would be with the fact that she had not yet purchased an iron for her work clothes. "Thank you so much," she smiled and dropped a few bucks in the tip jar. River herself was all too aware of the pains of retail work and how every buck counts when you're trying to survive on your own. 

Lost her thoughts River bumps into something tall and dark. "Oh, I am so sorry." River smiled and brushed past what she had ran into, a tall man in a dark suit.

*ring* *ring*

"Agent Leland," she answered.

"Good morning, officially new very special agent River Leland!"

"Ha, good morning to you too Penelope. You do know I'm going to be in the office in like...ten-ish minutes right?" She checked the time on her watch just to make sure. Don't wanna be late on the first day as a new agent for the FBI's behavioral analysis unit.

"Yes, yes but unfortunately for you young River we have a new top priority case so you need to get here ASAP hold the rocky."

Garcia and her quips will never get old that's for sure.

"I can be there in five minutes, is there anything else that I need to know?" She slammed the door on her white convertible and started the car. 

"Well, pull up your bootstraps because the Boss Man is back..ready to meet Hotch?"


Suddenly, River felt very over-dressed in her green blouse, black slacks, and brand new 'I can't believe I got this job omg let's celebrate' boots. A lot of men and women wore suits to work everyday, if anything she should feel underdressed. She wasn't used to wearing dress clothes everyday. Most days she wore her older brothers hoodie, a t-shirt, and sweatpants so she could run to class last minute, hit the gym after, and fall asleep as soon as she got back to her room. She had nothing against dressing up per say, but she just never feels quite right in them. They make her skin itch and drape her in an uncomfortable feeling that does not lend itself well to feigning confidence - which she was going to need. 

One five minute car ride and a few dozen very deep breaths later, she arrived at D.C.'s FBI Headquarters. 

"River!!!" Penelope grabbed her immediately and hugged her tight.

"Hi Pen,  it's good to be back." 

"Uh ohhhh everybody watch out the new girl's got her badge and gun!" River looked around Penelope to see Derek Morgan leaning against the door way, smiling.

"Come on now Morgan, don't be mad 'cause I'm a better shot than you," River smiled back. He held his hands up in surrender then pushed the door open for you and Garcia to go in. The office was buzzing with activity even more so than usual. She could hear key words going around like ring, no time, boys?

"Conference room. Now." River recognized that voice. They all looked up to see their interim boss Emily Prentiss. They all made their way up the stairs after her and piled into the conference room.

"Lookin' sharp kid," Rossi quipped. A compliment from Special Agent David Rossi, a fashion icon in some respects, made River suddenly feel a little more comfortable in her dress clothes. 

"Hi River!" Dr. Spencer Reid smiled and waved.

"Hey you guys, hey when does Hotchner get here? Also, I heard a rumor that he's kinda hot in a 'I have daddy issues' kinda way, is that true or is Maya from counter-terrorism lying to me?" River watched as they started to laugh and then watched as their eyes widened and stared behind her. 

"We should get started, Agent Leland it's nice to finally meet you. Also, you can call me Hotch."

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