Chapter 7 - Riviera

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Blinking her eyes open slowly River finds herself back in her 14 year old bedroom, blue walls that she doesn't want to remember. Bookshelves lined with her favorite escapes and her invisioned future life are placed where she can always see them. She wondered how much David Rossi would appreciate his books on serial killers being placed next to her Harry Potter collection. The light from outside peaked through her black out curtains providing the only light available to the room. Her broken ceiling fan whirred and shook above her. Suddenly, her nerves stood on end and the room drop a degree colder. "Rivyyyyy" 

No, there's no way. 

"Oh my little Riviera where are you?"

She tried to move but all she could do was struggle. Restraints appeared on her legs and wrists as she thrashed harder to get away. A dark figure opened the door, she couldn't see his face but she knew. It was him...

"Not again please..," she begged. 

A dark laugh came from the man above her. "Oh river."




River woke up hard and shaling in sweat drenched pajamas. Someone was banging on the door. "River are you okay?" It was Hotch... he must have heard her screaming in her sleep. She quickly scrambled out of bed and took a breath before opening the door slightly.

"Hey," she breathed. "Sorry about that."

Guilt filled her stomach when she saw the worried look on his face. "Are you alright?" 

"Yeah," she scratched nervously at her arm, "It was just a nightmare that's all. Is it time to go?" She decided to change the subject. 

"Uh no, you have about 45 minutes to get ready and we will meet downstairs and talk about what's next," He said still obviously concerned but decided not to push it. 

"Okay thanks Hotch," she smiled slightly and closed the door. 

"Damn it," she breathed and let her forehead hit the door. 

'I really thought the dreams were gone for good this time.' Maybe it was just the stress from the case. She silently hoped that Hotch wouldn't question her or tell anyone else about what happened as she dragged herself to the bathroom for a much needed scolding hot shower. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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