When your life is going too fast
Off the train tracks
I can slow it down

Just when you think you're about to turn back
Scared you might crash
I'll be around

- Brandy, "Right Here" 🎵


"Looking for these?"

I'm not ignorant of the probability of being hijacked in glaring day, hence my instant tremors. I've only spent one day pursuing my education and I'm already a target of God-knows-who. My eyes are suddenly throbbing, my tears scalding on my skin. I gulp inhibitedly, my fright so palpable that I can almost feel my knees jerking. Alright, Jara Angelo Blake, you are going to turn around and you are going to hope to high Heaven that you're not in any danger.

I swirl and my eyes absorb the person before me. He's the same guy from lunch who was awfully silent throughout, but still mysteriously contributed wordlessly with nods and smiles. Only this time, I'm seeing him for the attractive guy that he is. What's more, he's clasping my keys by the ring. At lunch, I was too mentally frenzied to hone in on his features, but now I can. And so I don't look like some mute golem, I speak up.

"H—How d-dd-did you f-find them?" Good gods, I sound like a dummkopf. Or perhaps doofus is more than accurate.

He chuckles. "You left these under the table at lunch."

I walk towards him, timidly receiving the keys into my palm like some invaluable Christmas gift. "How'd you find my address?"

"You do know there's a school registry, right?" Fudge, that is one very sexy voice.

I amble past him and unlock the door, almost about to shut it behind me. "Jara, where on earth are your manners?" I return to the doorstep. "Thank you so much. You saved my butt."

He smiles jovially. "You're welcome."

I sight his car an appreciable distance behind him on the road. I return my gaze to him. "If you're not in a hurry, would you like to have something? Consider it a gratitude token."

"A drink would be perfect," he suggests, before craning his head gracefully to the car, hollering a few words to the chauffeur. I smirk. I entirely understand what he just said, although it may sound unintelligible. He turns to me. "Shall we?"

I nod, and we both proceed inward, but not before he grazes his foot against the carpet, expelling much dirt. Inside, I head straight away to the fridge. I might be kidding myself thinking the guy would like anything non-alcoholic: he looked seventeen, and I assumed seventeen year-olds had lots of it. Anyway, I pull out a bottle of soda. Returning to him, I hand it in.

I hear a slight purr from one of the corners and I'm quickly transported to a state of ecstasy. "Merc? Boy, where are you?" I'm almost pulsing with expectation.

"Merc?" The guy's eyes nearly pop with curiosity.

"Merc! Get your lazy self here!"

A podgy, predominantly white, dappled thing prances out of a corner and latches its body to my foot, purring relentlessly. I pick it up and nuzzle it affectionately.

I turn to the guy, my eyes alight with glee. "Meet Mercury, my adorable, angelic cat."

Mercury kicks my face and paws my nose. I sneeze on impact. I'm not irritated; I'm immersed in joy.

"I should be going now," the guy tells me, staring wistfully at me. I detect that and ask him about it.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

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