Chapter XIII

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“Well, what do you know, Lottie~” Annabelle teasingly nudged Charlotte on her left arm, that was the closest to her. Laughing, too, which made the greenette jumped a little. Having her eyes now focused on Annie. Her eyes were widened with what look to be fear. But quickly shakes her head, smacking herself to get it together.

“I really am not sure I’ll like where this will be heading,” Charlotte spoke out, nervously with sweat pouring from her forehead.

“So, Asclepius going to tell her how you feel over there~?”

All eyes were fixed upon the silver-haired male. However, except Charlotte’s, who could not bear to watch how it will unfold. It was as if she had became embarrassed. Who would not be? Having a friend, like Annabelle of all things was enough to make you want to run.

But Asclepius did not let that get to him, he called out the girl’s name. Charlotte turnt her gaze onto the male and walked over to him. Shyly smiling, dark shade of pink was plastered on her porcelain skin.

“There’s something I been wanting to tell you,” he started to say, before getting right into it. Taking both of Charlotte’s hands in his. “I had a great time. And during them, I never felt something like this before. If it’s okay with you, do you want to be my girlfriend?” he added, gazing deeply into her blue eyes.

“Before I-I answer you, there’s something I must say, too,” Charlotte bravely spoken, ignoring Annie’s remarks in the background. It was pretty nerve-wrecking to do, but she had to. “I had a crush on you for quite a long time. I never expect to see you when you came unexpectedly in my life. The moments we shared, no matter how small they were. I’m glad I got to spend these lovely moments with you. And yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.” She added, whilst taking her hands from out of his, just to slowly wrap them around his waist.

“Congratulations!” Annabelle exclaimed with utter excitement.

Knowing what will be hold after this, Charlotte could never dream this was possible. But here she was with someone she had crushed on for so long and finally be with him, together. A couple. Love was an odd emotion. But it never stopped her from trying. Though she did had doubts about it. Those doubts never stop her this time.

“Now my time has finally come~” the brunette whispered, having her two palms rubbing together with a smirk across her face.

“Yeah, I heard you, Annie..” Not so surprised how her friend works, when she gets into a relationship.

“Oh well, not going to stop me and my parade of fun!” She yelled out, making sure they heard her loud and clear as Annabelle ran off to go home. “I better go tell my boyfriend the good news!”

“You sure on this, though?” Charlotte asked him, she was slightly nervous, but underneath that, was happier than she ever had been in her entire life.

“I’m sure on it.” Asclepius wrap his arms around her shoulders, leaning towards her face just to press his lips against Charlotte’s forehead. “You sure are sweaty.” He jokingly added.


“Aww, why?” He interrupted her before she could say anything else.

“Are you going to really do this with me, too, now?” She scoffed, whilst resting her head onto his chest. “We can continue this later.” Charlotte added in a whisper. “Best avoid those two tomorrow.”

The moment of the girl’s life had only just begun. But what will happen? Will the two last or will the poison jealousy break them apart.

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