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(I made these gifs myself)

James when your daughter makes him food.


"Hey darlings what are you making?"

"Y/d/n decided to make us her special—"

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"Y/d/n decided to make us her special—"

"Fairy princess toast!" She squealed, shoving the plate into James hands.

"Well it looks lovely babes, you made this with mummy?"

"No!" She laughed, smiling ear to ear.

"She made it all by herself." I smiled, rubbing my daughters head.

"Try some Dada!"

James picked up the plate and took a quick big bite. He didn't look like he enjoyed it, but put on a smile for his daughter. It made me laugh.

"Is it good daddy?"

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"Is it good daddy?"

"Mhmm, very good." He said with his mouth full, struggling to keep it down.

I knew he was faking it, but he was faking it for a good reason, our daughter.

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