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Did my ears go haywire? Or did I slip in a brief oblivion which emerged with this strange feeling? Him liking was another thing, my family killing him because of this was the other. Most importantly I couldn't afford to have relationships when two years back I ran from my own marriage.

"Earth to Ayla?" Jimin dragged me away from my thoughts and snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah" Coming back to my senses, I answered him awkwardly and mentally slapped myself for the action.

"We're here, wait." He got out of the car meanwhile I processed his statement again and again in my head. "Come." he opened the gate and a smile plastered on my face at his action.

Soft breezes blowing and the bright sun seemed to be working in distracting me for a mere second. But it never lasted for long as the sweat at my nape made its way.I quickly pulled off the scrunchie which was covering my wrist and pulled my hair together and tied my hair into a tight grip. A sudden realization of the fact hit me as the grip of my hair started to loosen, an innocent look formed on Jimin's face as he tried to get rid of the scrunchie.

"You look good without this." he said and put the scrunchie on his wrist.

"You won't tell a girl what looks good on her, she is capable of doing that." I shifted my wait on my toes and raised my hands to reach his. Completely submerged in the situation I didn't even notice when Jimin and I were exchanging our breathes and staring at each other. "Uhm." a bright red color crept on my cheeks, I swiftly filled the distance between us.

"You want me to prove it?" He dug his hand in his pocket and took out his phone. "I don't need a straight face, give me a smile now." he demanded and I cupped my face with my hands and smiled, I heard a 'click' sound.

"See." he showed me his phone screen. Okay. "Hmm don't dare to lose that thing on your wrist, it's my fav."

"I won't it smells like heaven." he said as he took the hair piece close to his small nose. I remembered how I used to spray a bit of perfume on my hair accessories. Who doesn't want to smell good anyway?

We reached the cafe and talked about each other and about our families. I told him that my mom died a few years back. He told me about his family too and how he managed to be on his own from the past five years. "Okay your family is fucking strict no offence." Jimin said as I fiddled with my fingers, a sad look visible due to my expressions.

"Okay let's talk about something else." I tried to drift the topic away before it was way too late. For a second we stared at each other, peculiar of the fact that one of us would strike a conversation. But then it changed to a couple of minutes and the surrounding air became suffocating, awkward silence which was highly uncomfortable.

"Uh- the water is good." Jimin said as he examined the glass on the table. "Yeah, it's wet." the fuck did i say?

"So how's your internship going?" he blurted something under his breath, probably cursing himself for being so awkward. I tiled my head and brushed off my hair when I caught Jimin doing the same in coordination.

"It's good, well we are only taking our classes for the time being. Internship is happening thrice a week." I looked at the menu which was seemingly interesting in my eyes. 

"I need a light chocolate pastry with cheese nuggets and a sugar free coffee, you know just add some stevia." I trailed off before the waiter could even speak and as a result the two men infront of me were looking at me expressionless.

"That stevia won't make you any healthier." Jimin said. "Does it look like I care?" I kept my back straight. "I'll just get some fries thanks." Jimin trailed off as the waiter gave us a small smile before leaving the two of us alone.

After a span of five minutes our order arrived. Great, now i can focus on this seductive looking pastry dripping with chocolate sauce rather than the hot mess sitting right across me. Without even waiting for anything i took a large bite forgetting that Jimin was even here, too much in the habit of doing everything alone.

Jimin slyly smiled when he saw my actions and wiped the chocolate on the corner of my lips with his finger and licked it. What did I just witness? Does he really have the audacity to do this?

"Why would you do that?" i blurted but it was inaudible due to the embarrassing moment. "Quick question, why do you like me?" I asked Jimin when he took a bite from my pastry.

"You're you. You're similar and different from other girls at the same time. Your persona is so alluring, at times it makes me forget the most important of things. And the most dominant factor is that you match one of my loved ones, the way you carry that straightforwardness is just so hot." my hands were paused where they were the belief of being stuck in a daydream seemed reality until Jimin took my hand and shook it.

"I hope everything is sorted now." a smirk covered his godly face. It can affect my life anytime soon.

"Yeah- I'll just pay the bill." I rubbed my nape before getting up from the chair but a hand brushed against mine. "I'll do it babe." his warm hands and the cold metal of rings had a burning effect against my skin. It made sure to send a shiver down my spine.

"Don't babe me, you paid the bill last time, now let me do it here." I patted his soft cheek making sure that I looked confident and not flustered. The counter was crowded but I managed to make my way. After paying the bill I was cautious to move as the waiters kept fiddling with trays throughout the cafe.

Just when i was about to reach Jimin a hot burning sensation went down my thigh, it started to burn and before I could process the clattering of a china cup was heard. "Ma'am I'm sorry." a high schooler panicked. The evident protective look on Jimin's face was crystal clear. "It's okay it happens all the time." Jimin helped me pick the pieces of the glass despite still looking pissed.

"Be more careful next time." Jimin got a hold of his anger and the next thing i knew i was being pulled with Jimin. The death grip on my wrist ensured that it would later bruise. Rather than saying anything I just followed him.

"Does it burn?" he asked me as he made me sit in the front seat. I nodded my head in approval as he disappeared for a second and sat on the drivers' seat. I felt a hand down my thigh and I turned to see Jimin applying probably an ointment. It cooled my burning skin but still the stinging feeling wasn't absent.

"Where did you get this from?" I asked him as he continued. "I have a whole first aid kit in the trunk." Is he usually going on fights or what? Not to mention his scar at his arm almost visible through his transparent shirt.

"You can drive now, it's almost done." I trailed off and took his hand only to leave it in his lap. Dead silence was followed after my statement. The car ride was silent as I just kept looking at the sunset through the buildings. It was only a few constant car horns and the soft music which was preventing any further escalation of the awkwardness.

He will stop liking me soon anyways no one lasted for more than a month, no matter how i tried. A deep sigh escaped my lips as we made our way to the elevator and finally to the houses. "Thanks for today Jimshit." I gave him a genuine smile before entering the security code.

"Wait. You forgot something." a puzzled look formed on my face. The next thing I knew he kissed me.



Okay the characters are together but not officially

September is the Monday of all months.

CrInGe Is ThE wOrD .....for this chap.

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