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"Hey Jimin, Jungkook how long?" I banged the door as my voice echoed through the empty corridor. It had been fifteen minutes since I stood in front of their door but this Jimshit refused to let me in and Jungkock refused to come out. I heavily sighed as my patience soon started to change into aggression. I looked at Seoyun who looked ethereal. She was wearing a red dress and I could assure that Jungkook is going to drool over her throughout the night.

I dragged Seoyun towards the lift and made our way to the reception as we left those two brides to take their time and get ready. Even a bride is not this late at her own wedding. Now I understood what their Hyungs meant when they said 'you Jimin today'. The only doubt in my mind was that I looked overdressed.

"Hey you sure we're not overdressed?" I asked Seoyun for the millionth time and she kept her hand on my shoulder

"Jeez Ayla baby have you looked at people surrounding us?" she stopped midway as we got off the lift. I nodded my head in agreement as I scanned the reception. A big room with a golden chandelier hung directly above us as dresses of the girls swept the floor and people left nothing untried to show off their riches. There were sudden flashbacks of my father's ballroom parties which played before my eyes.

"Chill enjoy the night." she said as she dragged me to the edge. I looked around and spotted a room labelled 'to kill time'. Well the curiosity got the best of me so i decided to go into that room and drag Seoyun along with me. I had to distract myself.

Our heels made a 'click- clack' sound as we walked our way through the reception till we reached the door.

"I was expecting a stripper club." Seoyun mumbled. What stood in front of us was exactly opposite.

There was a grand piano in front of us and a guitar which stood in the corner of the small room. Behind those were bookshelves piled up with almost every genre of books. "Love it." Seoyun and I exclaimed together. We are not boring but it was the music and books which helped us to cope up from our depression.

Books don't judge you, they stay the same forever, they're loyal. Music on the other hand gives us the will to understand life through the lyrics and rhythm.

It was Jin oppa who taught me some basic things about music when i was diagnosed with depression and anxiety when mom left us. I passed this onto Seoyun when she lost her parents. And now Seoyun was seated in front of the piano and I sat on one of the chairs with the guitar.

"Which one?" I questioned her as the memories of fresh scars of guitar strands on my fingers flashed through my mind which were left years ago.

There was no answer but I heard a familiar melody which filled my ears. Call it what you want by Taylor Swift. I stole a glance at Seoyun whose fingers were gliding rhythmically on the piano keyboard and my fingers started to get fresh lines of guitar strands as the guitar music accompanied the piano music. Soon we reached the hook of the song and we continued singing in turns before the room got unexplainably pin-drop silent as the sounds faded into the thin air.

"Nice show." I heard a familiar voice and the room filled with soft claps. It was Song Kang who looked absolutely ethereal in a white suit. A Gucci badge hung from his blazer and beside him was


"Seoyun, Ayla you guys should start a band. Oh how can I forget this is my girlfriend Jenice." Surprise flooded me.

"We have met before right?" she beamed a genuine smile and now I understood that she was just socialising at breakfast.

"Hey." I waved and immediately felt sorry for my and Jimin's behaviour towards her.

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