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A month later.


I pointed the pistol at his forehead for the millionth time as I repeated the words which resonated through the warehouse.

"I'll kill your family too if you don't answer, how much money do you owe?" I asked as I pulled the barrel and dug the knife out from my gator belt before placing it on his throat.

Still no answer. At this point my agitation was hitting a new high. I slowly dug the knife inside his shoulder which made him scream.

"Ten million dollars." His voice was shaky. He was frightened at another level. He was whimpering, his pleads and cries for forgiving his family were echoing. His repeated cries gave me flashbacks of what it meant when you lose or are about to lose someone.

"What did you do with ten million dollars?" I lightly sighed as I tried to collect my calm.

"Please forgive me, I'll return them." he said as he joined his hands and begged in front of me. A hint of innocence came to the surface and I had no option but to let him go.

"You have insurance right?" I asked and he nodded his head. Without any further ado I shot him in the leg. Blood was gushing out of the wound as I shot him directly on his knee. I signalled the agents to return him where he came from. His screams,giving me migraines but I resisted it.

"Boss wants to talk to you." a boy who was barely eighteen handed me the phone

"Did you shoot him? His family too? The voice from the other side of the line rang in my ears

"Yes." I lied.

"Your three months are over, you better get her now before I send someone else to do your work."

By her I knew who he was talking about. Kim Yeona.

"Yes." I lied again. Thoughts of her filled my mind. How can I make the person do the things which hurt and leave her heart perished. How can I do that to the person I love the most?


To say that I was mad would've been an understatement. Three dates planned, all of them stood canceled counting this one. I sighed deeply to myself as I looked at the ceiling as tears formed on the brink of my eyes. They soon dried up but I could still feel the stinging feeling of salt when my eyes closed.

One thing was obvious. The feeling scared me to death and I told myself to distance myself from him but I was highly miserable.

I love him. I love Park Jimin but I was highly doubtful of the fact that this feeling wasn't mutual. He was busy with his mystery job and I understood that. He had time for Taehyung and Junglekock but not for me which made my blood boil. You can take time out for your priorities no matter how busy you are.

"Stop talking to yourself." Seoyun sighed as she picked up her bag.

"Where are you going?" I asked her as I unzipped my dress and took off my heels and walked for a hot water shower.

"Date." the voice crisp and clear which came from the other side of the door. She was almost in her third year of the relationship. Jungkook never failed to make her feel brand new. On the other hand Jimin was very distant from the past week and it was quite amusing as I came face to face with the harsh reality.

Is he cheating on me? Thoughts filled my mind meanwhile hot water ran across my body. I changed into short shorts and an oversized shirt before I made my way to the kitchen. I took out the brick of ice cream and put some for myself in a bowl as I sat on the shelf and started eating.

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