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"Save me."

"Yeah me too." I hid behind Jungkook and he hid behind Seoyun. Wait, stop acting like a kid

"Where the fuck would I hide?" she laughed. The door of my room abruptly opened and Jimin furiously came out. His hair was soaked in water and his neon green bangs were pushed back and I could tell he looked hot. Wait shrug it off we're literally in the middle of the war

"Kim Ayla." his voice was sugar coated.

"Yes Park Jimin." I walked slowly towards him and stopped midway thinking it would be better just to go to him or else the whole house would end up looking wrecked.

"You're getting a punishment for what you just did, you won't be able to walk for another month. So be a good babygirl and listen to daddy." he grabbed my wrist and I side- eyed Jungkook.

"Hey is that a hickey on your neck?" Jungkook said and I mentally slapped him for just saying those words.

"What, you never told me that you did things on your date?" Seoyun frowned and crossed her arms.

"Yeah because your boyfriend saw us." Jimin defended me and still had a death grip around my wrist which would later bruise.

"Anyways I'm happy that you guys are together." she smiled and pinched my cheek

"He never asked me out and anyways I'm tired I have to sleep." I said as I stretched my back.


"So thank you for listening to our crap." Taehyung said as we concluded our presentation and slammed the papers on the table. Irene-ssi was nodding her head throughout our presentation so I think that all our work didn't turn out to be trash. Great, I'll just go home now and slip into a deep slumber.

"Finally this shit is over." I sighed and walked with Taehyung towards the exit of the uni.

"I thought you enjoyed my company." He said and dramatically frowned.

"I was talking about that project, I always enjoy your company." I spoke honestly and gave him a warm smile.

"Yeah I know." he chuckled and had the urge to continue but got interrupted by my phone's ringtone.

"I'm coming to pick you up, be ready" Jimin's voice echoed through my ears.

"Man the cold-blooded goddess is smiling like an idiot, is that the lover boy?" Taehyung made sure that his voice could reach the other person behind the line.

"Who's that guy with you?" Jimin asked calmly, not a hint of envy visible in his voice.

"I'll meet you." I simply said and declined the phone call.

"You want to meet him?" I asked Taehyung. They would honestly make a good team.

"Maybe some other time. I have plans." he smiled.

"Kay bye then." I gave him a warm hug and he gave me a pat on my back. He waved me 'bye' and left. I waited for around five minutes but 'miniature hands' still refused to show up. I decided to call him.

(A/N): okay so first of all he is not having miniature hands, nor he is short. For fuck's sake he is a grown hot daddy material man so for the love of cheesecake stop calling him short. I mean for real guys, bloody 99.9% of this fandom is shorter than him and no wonder form where they get the audacity to call him short. I swear to Christ, if I ever see someone calling him short, I'll make sure to fly to their damn house and beat the shit out of them. Have a nice day.


"Hey where are you?" I spoke on the phone.

"I went to the salon, kind of got my hair dyed again."

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