Chapter 2 | Old Flame

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Playlist: Falling - Harry Styles

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"I love you so much, Shin."

"Thank you for being a part of my life."

"I-I am so sorry, I didn't meant to-"

His reverie was stopped by the whistling kettle, making him almost drop the cup on his hand. He let out a long sigh, turned the stove off immediately as his mind still lingered to the one person that somehow owned his heart.

Even when that person was not his anymore.

Ever since he received the mail from you, he had been numb, heart aching for every single breath that he took. For two whole years, he lived without having you by his side, he was floating, didn't know when to land—and at the same time didn't care anymore where the wind brought him as he floated.

He should have known that by the time he let you go for another man, the man that from the start had your heart wrapped around his pretty little finger, he would never get another chance to hold you in his arms anymore.

It was cruel for the universe to do this. Either cruel for him, or cruel for you. Because there's no happy ending at both ends, as long as your heart beats for two men.

The wooden floor on his terrace creaked as he sat there, dangling his feet while the wind caressed his cheek — as if they were trying to soothe him. He closed his eyes, minds floating back to the time where you would sit beside him.

Four years. Four years was not a short period of time for a relationship. Especially if it was a pure one, no hatred, subtle lust, and full acceptance. You were someone that could open up their heart for everyone, loving every flaw that a person had. It was a rare gift, and he felt like his life had been blessed for being loved by someone like you.

"What are you thinking of, Shin?" You sat beside him with two cups of green tea on your hands, "Oh, here's your tea, angel eyes." The nickname rolled oh-so-easily from your tongue, the nickname that always made his heart flutter even after years you had called him like that.

"Thank you, dear." He grabbed the cup and kissed your forehead for seconds. Just for this moment, he would love to have this forever, together with you, bathed in the moonlight. He would go through anything just to have a never ending cycle with you, doing every single thing with someone that he loves, until the end of time.

"So, what's on your mind?" You sipped your tea carefully as a swirl of steam could be seen on top of it. His eyes immediately looked to the garden in front of him—one that the two of you took care of together, he didn't dare to set his gaze on you at this moment.

"It's nothing," He gulped and answered your question nonchalantly. And when he didn't receive any response from you, he decided to gazed on your face. With that, he knew in an instance it was a mistake to do so.

You had this little glare on your face, knowing that it must have been something big that he had to avert his gaze away from you.


He let out a long sigh before placing his tea cup on the wooden floor. Your breath hitched as he turned his body, facing you completely. There was something inside his orbs, and you cursed yourself for not knowing what it was all about. His warm hands grabbed yours, pulling them to his lap.

"It was about us, (Y/n)." His voice was so soft, like a whisper, "We are graduating soon and I want-" I want you to be my wife. He gulped down, not knowing whether he should muster the courage to ask you now or later on.

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