Chapter 11 | New Journey

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Playlist: What They'll Say About Us - FINNEAS

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

You remembered how your mother told you that every life was precious, that every soul which was embedded into one body, really meant to be there. There was a reason why each human was alive, she said — because they were significant in this world.

And Suna Rintarou was very much significant in your universe — even though he never felt like it.

You didn't know how many days had passed, what you knew was that you were all alone now inside this house. Yes, it was just a house ever since you came home that day, wearing black all over your body with tears that never seemed to stop. You were the first one that arrived, you were there at the cemetery with him. And you would pay with anything if there was a chance the universe could bring him back to you.

There would be no impromptu cuddle session, no late midnight date at seven eleven just to grab some chuupet and your favourite ice cream. You couldn't hear him whine over the phone anymore, saying how much he missed your presence. There was nothing left of him, nothing except all the memories that you have shared with the man you vowed your love and life on that particular night in Bali.

The bedroom was dark as you closed all the windows and curtains, turning off the light as you just sat on the corner — shivering, craving for his warmth. You didn't have a clue if it was morning or evening, and you had no intention to find out, not even a little.

A creak from the door could be heard, yet you didn't bother to turn your head. In the darkest corner of your mind, you really hoped it was a burglar, or perhaps just a random serial killer who was targeting enormous houses. You wanted them to just take your life, so you could see him soon.

So you didn't have to wait for a lifetime to meet him — your happily ever after.

But instead of some devilish stranger, it was always the same figure. Every single day there was this flicker of warmth that you could feel seeped inside your soul. Little by little, begging for you with a silent plea, in hope that you would face them. Even though their presence was never acknowledged by you for weeks — they were still there, replacing the food and drink that they prepared for you.

Untouched. Days, weeks, months, the food was always left untouched. Even the glass of water that was being sipped here and there, not even reaching half of it. They wanted to give you space, they knew too well how it feels to lose someone; either temporarily, or even forever.

But they were too, already at the breaking point when their eyes scrutinized your figure all over again. You had lost weight, a lot of it. Hair becoming longer and messier, god knows when was the last time you combed your hair. And the sound of your sob, one that always tore their heart — that was enough.

"You have to eat." They sat in front of you, brown orbs staring at you with a look that they gave only when they wanted to be heard completely. "(Y/n), you have to eat and drink more." You didn't budge, head still hanging low as you hugged your knees. "My angel..."

And that long-forgotten nickname was enough for you to lift your head up.

He never saw you in tears. Four years in a relationship with you, three years living under the same roof, he never once saw you with tears cascading down your cheek so freely. Happy tears, yes. But never like this at the point as if there was no soul inside your body, succumbing to the sorrow that your heart and mind couldn't even run away from.

PHANTASM BLUES || Suna Rintarou x Reader x Kita ShinsukeWhere stories live. Discover now