Chapter 10 | Until Then

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Playlist: Always Remember Us This Way - Lady Gaga

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hey, love. Did you receive all the videos that I sent to you? Yeah, it was a little bit nasty and unfiltered since I made the compilation from all of the times we are apart too. I made it with my phone, (Y/n), basically the reason it's not as aesthetic as I want it to be.

You should have thanked me though, that I didn't give any glittery tacky effects or some hype-beast music that I knew too well you wouldn't like. Mom almost gave this lo-fi sad song on the video too, like hell it can make everything better.

"(Y/n)?" Kita peeked his head from the bedroom door that was ajar. And his heart almost stopped when he saw you there with the familiar letter that you always opened every now and then, "I am sorry, I will come back—"

"No, no. It's alright." You immediately wiped the tears that prickled at the corner of your eyes. He was kind enough to avert his gaze to the side even though it was a sight that he already got used to, "What is it, Shin? Do you need anything?"

You stood up and dusted the wrinkles out of your clothes. Fingers still tremble a little as you folded the paper and put it back on your drawer, delicately as if it was the most precious item that you had.

"Nothing, really." He held the strand of hair that fell on your eyes, tucking it gently behind your ear, "Everyone was just waiting for you."

You widened your eyes at the realisation, Kita could only snicker at your expression, "You forget, huh?"

"S-Sorry," You smiled sheepishly, "I remember, of course, it's just that I am a little bit distracted and I need to prepare myself again and I—"

"Hey, it's alright." His palm engulfed one side of your cheek, tilting your head so his eyes could find yours, "You don't have to explain anything to me or to everyone. We understand."

You bit your bottom lips as your vision started to blur once again, and Kita didn't waste any second to pull you so your body could meet with his, letting your tears seep on the fabric of his shirt.

It was always like this ever since then. You being an emotional mess, and him staying here, becoming someone who devoted his whole life for you. He knew how tired you were after everything that happened for the last few years, and he never demanded anything from you, not your love, affection, he didn't ask for that.

You once gave you all of your life, and right now, he was the one who would give you everything.

It usually took around five minutes to calm you down, a great change compared to the first year he moved to this house with you. You erased yourself from the universe, didn't let anyone else reach you. Every hour that went by, you would seclude yourself inside your bedroom. The same bedroom that you once shared with your husband.

He still locked you in his embrace, whispered some assurance every few seconds as his hands went up and down on your back to give you more comfort. It was his warmth that made you feel better, that and the familiar scent of lavender that lingers in the air.

Breathing out all of your messy thoughts, you pulled away slowly from him, finding his orbs that looked at you like you were an angel. After all these times, you were still an angel to him, shining so bright even with all the tears that were cascading down your cheek.

"Ready to meet everyone?" His thumb grazed softly on the corner of your eyes, erasing the tears that still wanted to pour. You nodded softly to answer him, and that was enough for him to know. With a reassuring smile, he then interlaced your hand with yours leading you downstairs to everyone, "Then let's go."

PHANTASM BLUES || Suna Rintarou x Reader x Kita ShinsukeWhere stories live. Discover now