Chapter 9 | Not Today

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Playlist: Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

His eyes fluttered close, listening to the water that was now hammering the pebble tiles under him. He felt so sleepy with your hands slipped in between the strands of his hair, lavender aroma filled the room as it came from the shampoo that you use on him.

You always brought the shampoo anywhere you go. Since you went to his house during your high school year, you noted how the sweet faint of flower became his favourite scent. He hummed softly, apprising you that he enjoyed the affection that you gave to him.

It was actually not necessary—you helped him in the shower. But it was just something that you wanted to do since you knew how calm he could be with just having your presence. That, and of course because you loved spoiling him here and there, something that he loved yet he was too embarrassed to admit.

"Can't we extend our stay?" You turned the tap off before covering his torso with a fluffy towel, "I really wanted to stay a little bit longer with you."

You had been a little bit melancholy, clingier than usual ever since you bore his last name. Was it a wedding fever? Perhaps. He didn't complain though, he loved how everything had turned this far.

You rolled the wheelchair that was placed in front of the bathroom, moving it in his direction. With one of his arms around your neck and shoulder and your arm around his torso, he was now sitting comfortably once again in the seat that reminded him about his condition, every single day.

Ever since this morning, you whined about how much you wanted to extend the little getaway. Not going to lie, the both of you could afford possibly even a year and more—but of course it was not possible with the official wedding right around the corner.

"Don't pout, you silly." He chuckled when you were still grumbling under your breath while helping him with the clothes, "You can always come back later on when there is nothing in your way."

"But, Rin, we are here already!" Your finger skimmed the buttons of his shirt, "Adding a day or two wouldn't be a problem, right? Everything could be controlled from here after all." You pat the pocket on your pants where your phone was.

"I know, I know." He answered softly and grabbed your hand that just finished fixing up his buttons, "I need to tell you something, though. The reason why I didn't allow you to extend this vacation."

"What is it?" Your hand clasped on him the second you heard his serious tone. On reflex, you immediately got down on your knees to level your vision with him. You were worried, and he could see it all through the melancholy look on your face.

"I need to go somewhere first, before our wedding." His finger brushed on the side of your head, tugging the strands of hair behind your ear, "My parents found this hospital in the Netherlands."

Your orbs that were solemn before, now looked so radiant as it filled with hope. You clamped your mouth that was agape, still trying to process the lingering meaning behind his words. A chuckle slipped from his lips from your reaction, he knew exactly what came into your mind.

"D-Does the doctor there can help you?"

You whispered shout with excitement dripping on your voice.

"Yes, they can, (Y/n)." He gave you a smile, a hopeful smile, "They can help with my condition, that's what you want isn't it?"

You screamed in glee and cupped his cheek, pampering kisses all over his face. Your husband could only surrender from your burst of affection, giggles and buoyant atmosphere occupy the whole room.

PHANTASM BLUES || Suna Rintarou x Reader x Kita ShinsukeWhere stories live. Discover now