Chapter Eighteen

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He left on his cycle after the day had finally come to an end. 

I went home unsure of how to feel. 

Toby was waiting for me on the couch and I sat beside him without a word.

"Hey, how did it go?" he inquired, an excited expression on his face. "Didn't hear from you at all, so I got a little worried. Thought he might have kidnapped you and left you to rot on the side of some secluded street."

That made me raise a brow at him, "Why would you jump to that conclusion? You've been watching too many crime documentaries - they're making you paranoid."

"It's better to be paranoid than careless," he commented before cracking a grin. "Someone's looking oddly happy today. I take it things went well?"

"Really well," I breathed out with a sigh of relief, leaning back against the couch and fixing my gaze on the pale ceiling above us. "He's just like how he used to be."

"Does he remember you?"

"No, didn't bother telling him that I know him," I admitted, shutting my eyes. "Didn't want to ruin the moment, I guess? Who knows, he might still be holding some sort of grudge against me."

"Grudge? For what?"

"Because I didn't bother saying goodbye the day he left."

"That was ten years ago, this is now," Toby reminded me with a nudge to my side with his elbow. "Chances are, he doesn't even remember what you used to look like."

"He keeps saying I remind him of someone but he can't figure it out."

"Give him time, he will," he suggested. "Eventually."

"I didn't think you'd be back home for another hour or two so I kind of called the boys over. I hope that's okay with you."

With a nod, I opened my eyes to look over at him, "Where will you guys be going?"

"Just outside for a walk around the block.. or maybe a football match? It's too late for that, though. Might have to settle with just a walk."

"Can I.. can I come with you?"

Toby paused.

He turned to look over at me. 

He raised his brows and his jaw dropped open. 

"Your breath stinks," I commented to save myself the embarrassment, looking away right after.

"Oh stop it you," he began before grabbing a hold of the sleeve of my sweater. "You're really going to come with us?" 

"Yeah.. what's the big deal?"

"This is the first time in years," he noted with a satisfied sigh. "I'm so proud of you, Eliott. You're doing so well."

"Can you do me a favour as well?"

"Anything for you, name it."

"Can you call me Eli?"

And with that, his eyes widened to the size of plates. 

"Hey, Eli. Toss the ball over!" Toby called out, racing toward the other direction. 

I paused and squinted my eyes at him from the distance, my heart beginning to ache unbearably with the painful memories the nickname brought flooding back.

Piece by piece, then all at once.

"Don't ever call me Eli."

"Eliott," Toby began, shaking me by my shoulders. "You're forgetting him, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're forgetting about him."


"You said his name," he noted in a weak voice before sitting back down onto the couch and burying his face into his palms. 

"Tobias, what are you doing?" I inquired, sitting up straight and raising my brows at him, concern overtaking me entirely. 

I shook him by his shoulder, "Toby?"

I heard him let out a sniffle - and then he began to shake; before eventually bursting out into tears in the middle of the ice-cold living room, the walls painted with nothing but gratitude.

"Come on, dummy," I urged, unable to bear the sight of him crying. It was beginning to make me tear up as well. "Please don't cry, Toby."

"I can't believe this," he let out, wiping his eyes with his sleeves before going back to hiding his face behind his hands. "I can't believe this."

"You can't believe what?"


"What's this?" 

"God, you've changed so much, Eliott," he began, struggling to form the right words amidst his plight. "You've changed so much. I can't believe you're finally-.. you're finally-"

He paused, cutting himself off with a hiccup, "Finally. You're finally moving on."

I opened my mouth to respond but he had already turned to face me and tackled me into a hug. One of the tightest hugs I had ever received. 

"You're cutting off my air supply," I complained with a grunt. 

"Why did you say it like that?" he chuckled, burying his face in my neck. 

I could feel his teardrops landing on the side of my neck before each one made their own path and separated. It did tickle, but I didn't complain. We hadn't hugged like this in so long.

Or.. I hadn't let him hug me like this in so long.

"Say it like what?"

"Like that. You could've just said you couldn't breathe or something," he snorted before pulling away. He smiled at me for a brief moment before pulling me right back into another hug. 

"I've been spending too much time with Elias," I responded. "He uses big words and phrases all the time. Guess it's beginning to rub off on me."

"I'm so happy you found him," he sighed into my neck. "Seeing you like this.. it's- wow. I can't thank him enough."

I could never thank him enough.

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