Part 3

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A quiet sound reached my ears sounding a lot like Ears. I snorted,

'Probably got dared to kiss Dunce Face, again'

I felt a light pang to my chest as I thought about her kissing him.

'Maybe it was a good idea that I left'


Jirou's P.O.V

'This is so stupid'

I grumpily stomped to the elevator as Mina and the class watched me as they giggledand whispered to each other.

"OMG is this really happening?"

"Yeah! I heard a guitar playing in Jirou's room even though she was with Yaomomo, do you think it was Bakugou?"

"I don't know guys, Bakugou's not the only one that can play instruments . . . there's also Kaminari and Tokoyami . . ."

"Yeah but Kaminari is way too dumb, he probably would have been caught right away"


"And I don't see Tokoyami being one to invade privacy"

"Agreed, I can see Bakugou barging in without warning"


They all looked at me and kept quiet, I squinted my eyes and brought two fingers infront of my eyes then gesturing it over to them slightly mouthing

'I'm watchin you'

I stepped in the elevator and pressed the button that led to the 3rd floor

'There's no way they can be right . . .

. . . right?'


"I dare you to investigate on Bakugou!" Mina dared.

"WHAT?!" I looked at her in disbelief.

"Ya heard me, besides didn't he stop on the 3rd floor?" Mina grinned.

"Oh my God, you're right!" Uraraka butted in.

"Guys don't make it such a big deal! Maybe he wanted something in the 3rd floor. He's minding his own business, for all I know he maybe in one of those empty rooms, just let him be"

"Hmmmm I dont know Jirou, go check on him anyways!"  Mina replied with a slight smirk.

"But he'll kill my ears-"

"No buts, besides, I notice you keepin him close to you Kyouka~" She wiggled her eyebrows

"Its nothing li-"

"Huh. Now that it has been mentioned, I kinda see them slowly getting along" Momo said.

"Yaomomo! Not you too"

"Yeah! I notice how Bakugou lets Kyouka get close to him and he barely even screams at her" Toru added.

"Maybe that's because I mind my ow-"

"Now now Kyouka, there's no need to make a point here~ You can do it~!" she grinned at me as our we stare each other down.

"And what if I dont" I squinted.

"It's either this or kiss Mineta~" 

"I'd rather die"

 I stomped my way to the elevator not having a choice.


I heard a soft 'ding' as the elevator doors opened. I left out a deep shaky sigh, I walked slowly towards my room already hearing light strums of a bass guitar coming from my room, I froze.

'Shit's about to go down'

I stood in front of my room

'Should I just enter. . .? I mean it is my room, they're the ones invading privacy so it should be no problem right? Ah, fuck it, I'll just knock'

*Knock, knock, knock*

The strumming stopped, quiet footsteps made their way to the other side of the door. The door knob twisted slowly, I looked at the invader in my room as my face gave a confused and shocked look.

"Bakugou. . . ?"

He looked taken aback after having been caught but quickly recovered and pulled me into the room.

"Dont say a damn thing Ears" He looked at me intensely with his usual scowling expression.

"W-what are you doing here?"


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