authors note

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sooo...... i have decided to open up about a few things to some strangers i have never met. what this story is about is something of my own experience. not everything in this story is true but some of it is in fact based off of real events so if you could please be nice that would be great. i'm not going to tell you what's real and what has been dramatized. and i've changed the names entirely.

anyway.. i don't like capitol letters so i don't use them. i'm sorry if that bothers you. also i am not a grammar genius so i'm very sorry but there will be a few mistakes of that sort. after this story is done i will go through and edit it and make it pretty but for now this is fine. this is only going to be a few chapters long mainly because i personally can't write about it for emotional reasons. i will try my best but it's really hard sometimes.

just a little trigger warning. sexual assault abuse depression and suicidal behavior is a common occurrence in this story so if your sensitive to that please i advice you to not read. if you do continue reading that would mean a lot to me and if you were to vote that would mean so much more. thank you for you time. :)

also if you know anyone that is in a relationship like this or if you see the signs in your partner or if the partners of loved ones please notify the right authorities. that maybe parents or (although i hope not) the police. just stay safe my lovies.

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