chapter 4

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he ruined me in the absolute worst way possible. he threw me away before we even got together and i really should have seen it.

the way that he never ever let me forget my mistakes even when i begged for him to let it go. 

nick was very good about remembering stuff like that. but it was never the same for himself. couldn't remember any of his mistakes. 



homecoming. our homecoming dance was in early december  because we didn't have a football team at our school, so the homecoming game was around basketball instead. 

i was lonely, i obviously had no date and the friends i sat with at lunch had made homecoming group plans not including me so i found the easiest way to go about this was just to not attend at all. i didn't have the dress, shoes, or will, to go so it sounded very logical. i also knew that nick would be going with lena and that was something i did not need in my life.

but to distract myself, i focused on the schools pep rally that friday.

our colors were purple and gold. so i went all out. purple and yellow paint dots on my cheekbones and eyebrow bones and gold glitter everywhere else. i had this purple shirt what i painted yellow and white hand prints on it. to par i had some old denham overalls that i painted some paw prints on for the tigers. I was honestly proud of the work i had done to prepare.

the pep rally was one of the biggest things at our small little school and everyone took it seriously. even the teachers.

no school work was being done and no teacher expected us to behave. it was like total chaos had taken over the school and everyone enjoyed their moments of pure bliss. 

even i had taken part in the ritual festivities. running up and down the hallways during classes, throwing streamers around the commons area and truly living life to the fullest.

by the time the end of the day rolled around the excitement level had grown exponentially higher. everyone is just waiting to be called to the gym. 

when it finally happens the crowd that roars inside it heard from almost a block away. every child in that building is screaming and jumping up and down for joy. 

the games of the pep rally commence and the homecoming queen and court are announced and the last and final thing of the day is the spirit stick. which ever grade can scream the loudest wins the stick. which sucks for us because we do not have enough people in my grade  compared to the other grades. however this time when we were asked to scream for the stick like half my grade didn't even know what was happening. 

it happens every year. they are all drunk as fuck and everyone knows it. its still funny as hell though watching the cheerleaders drunkenly do their chants from the stands. 

obviously we didn't win the stick, but it was still one of the most fun days i can remember.

before it happened..


it was sunday. the same sunday after that pep rally where the bliss had followed me into the weekend where i spent it with jess. but it was sunday. sunday morning the morning after the homecoming dance and i really wasn't looking forward to hearing about all the fun that everyone had without me. thats why i was with jess. because she never leaves me out. 

but it was sunday morning i got  text from none other than nick fucking henry.

my blood boiled when i saw his name on the screen. now is when he has the audacity to text me. i didn't even read the message. i put my phone away until my anger subsided and i fell asleep. 

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