chapter 6

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it took me so long to realize it wasn't okay what he did. it took even more courage to leave him and i wouldn't have been able to do it without my friend by my side.

you see, nick didn't like jess so he forced me to stop talking to her. he completely isolated me and i think now it's so i couldn't have anyone to tell me that what was happening was not okay.


wanda was my new co worker at my job. she was so fucking cool i swear i loved her the moment i met her. she was one of those best friends that you hit it off immediately with.

nick didn't like her either. maybe it was because wanda would always tell me how nick treated me bad, but i always made excuses for him. nick was so rude to everyone around me and i had lied and said that he wasn't that way with me but i knew it was a lie. and i think deep down so did wanda.

but she was always there for me.

one day nick and i got into another one of our fights. it was a particularly bad on. nick had left his ILLEGAL gun in my car and i totally lost my shit. nick kept telling me i was fine and nothing happened, but i didn't like the idea of the fact that there was a whole ass UNREGISTERED gun in my car with me knowing.

guns make me nervous in the first place because i know how dangerous they are. i am not saying that i have never used a gun and i'm not saying i don't know how guns work. they just make me nervous because you could kill someone with that in one swift movement. move your finger one centimeter back on accident when your not paying attention and BANG someone could be seriously hurt or dead.

all i was trying to do was make nick see that, but as usual he wouldn't let me win. he wouldn't let me even get a word in. at some point i had just had enough, so i yelled, "I DON'T WANT A GUN NEAR ME EVER!"

nick didn't take kindly to that.

he proceeded to yell at me as to why i WILL BE getting a gun in the future. saying how he wasn't going to give me a choice. then he proceeded to tell me that i didn't know how a gun worked and pushed me outside with his gun in his hand and a box of bullets.

"you say you know how a gun works? okay set and load unload and reload this gun." he told me while lighting his cigarette. he knew how much i hated that he smoked.

but i did what he told me to do. i loaded the gun. it was rough at first because my hands were shaking and i wasn't used to the model of glock he had. in the end it was really hard to get them in so i stopped at 11 instead of the full magazine and started to unload it.

nick looked at me like i was stupid and continued to make me unload and reload the gun for 2 hours. we sat outside on his leaky ass poarch while it was raining for 2 hours. i started crying because my fingers hurt and he was yelling at me but he didn't care. he made me keep going until he was satisfied enough.

i think about this day a lot. because i knew i was upset and so did nick. we both knew it was because of nicks actions and only one of us cared and it wasn't nick.

this was the day that i found out that nick didn't really care about me. he may have pretended and he may have made it seem to the public that what we had was good, but in reality it was nothing but a shit show the entire time.

that day i knew that nick didn't care about me but i didn't think it would have gone that far. i didn't know he would do what he did to me.


nick was lazy to say the least. he worked 35-40 hours a week and i will say that manual labor is difficult and i will commend him on that. but i worked 35 hours a week at my part time job and i was a full time student taking college level courses in high school and trying my best to keep straight A's.

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