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The dewy scent of the first year Greenhouse wafted into Elizabeth's nose, ensnaring her senses and causing her face to scrunch up. The Gryffindor's and Slytherin's were cooped in together, stuck listening to Professor Beery, their herbology teacher. He was going on and on about wormwood one of the least interesting plants, but Elizabeth noted that they were also less annoying than the baby mandrakes were. Learning the uses, side-effects and how to maintain and grow plants weren't what Elizabeth ever considered a good use of her time. They were there, they would most likely aid in her future endeavours, whatever they may be, but being surrounded by all this greenery made Elizabeth's skin crawl.

"How long until we can go?" Elizabeth asked, scrunching up her face as she saw a bug flying around the head of the student sitting down in front of her.

"Fifteen minutes," Abraxas answered her, glancing down at his pocket watch before he turned to her. "Trust me, I'm counting." He muttered in a hushed done, his eyes drifting over to Kali Yaxley, flashing a small, flustered smile, waving at her. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, looking away from them and tilting her head to the side as she closely inspected the wormwood plant.

"Fantastic." Elizabeth sighed, fighting back a groan. "Who even actually likes herbology?" Elizabeth asked as Abraxas chuckled, pushing his hair out of his face before leaning forward, his icy eyes drawn to the silvery green wormwood stem, slowly he reached out, picking at it to see if it would do something.

"I'm sure someone does." Abraxas offered, glancing around the Greenhouse again. "Not a fan, I take it." He said, his lips twitching into a slight smile.

"I don't do dirt; I don't do bugs and I don't do peculiar plants." Elizabeth answered, leaning back in her seat, folding her arms.

"Well, Princess Blakely, you've got quite a few years of herbology left, you might want to re-evaluate your stance on it." Abraxas jovially offered, attempting to stifle his laughter while Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"I'm aware," Elizabeth replied.

"This is such a waste of my time." Abraxas groaned, his head limply falling back, his eyes fluttering closed, he then let his body fall forward on the table, burying his head into his folded arms, letting out a muffled groan.

"Not a fan, I take it?" Elizabeth teasingly asked, nudging him lightly as she echoed his words back at him.

"Sod off." Abraxas hissed.

"You never know, you could learn something interesting." Elizabeth offered, her teeth sinking into the inside of her cheek to hide her laughter as Abraxas tilted his head to the side, glaring up at her.

"Really? Do you seriously believe we're going to learn anything interesting right now?" Abraxas asked, raising an eyebrow, unimpressed. Elizabeth laughed lightly, her eyes drawn to Professor Beery as her hand shot up in the air, drawing the attention of all the students in the Greenhouse and surprising Beery. Elizabeth doubted that he expected any of the first years to ask any questions at all, at least, that was what his flustered smile told her.

Dark Matter ☽☾ Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now